Chapter 68

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Time: To get away from Tommy and Thor
Place: The hospital wing

It had been three days since Aj first visited Steve, since then she had been down to see him as much as she could. She'd spend hours downstairs just talking to Steve about her day or just watching a movie on her iPad.

"They you are Avs, I've been looking for you" Wanda said as she walked into Steve's hospital room.

"Why?" Aj asked, pausing play on her movie and looking over at her sister.

"Because Thor and Tommy are driving me crazy and I need you to save me"

"Well you can stay with us" Aj smiled at Wanda, nodding to the seat next to her.

"How is he?" Wanda questioned as she sat down.

"Nothings changed" Aj sounded disheartened.

"He's strong Aj, he's gonna get better" Wanda attempted to lift her sister's spirits.

"That's all everyone keeps saying but they don't actually believe it, I know they don't. They've all given up hope. They speak about him like he's already gone" Aj said frustratedly.

Wanda nodded, she knew exactly how Aj felt.

"It's always I'm sorry about your dad or I bet you miss him or your dad would tell you this or your dad would want you to do this.
They speak about him like he's dead but he's not. He's still here" Aj continued to rant.

Wanda truly understood her little sisters frustration because the same thing had been getting to Wanda a lot recently,"I know they do, it's annoying but just because they've all lost faith doesn't mean that we do"

"Why does the bad stuff always happen to us? Why can't we ever just be happy?"

AJ's simple yet profound question hit Wanda like a slap across the face, her words leaving Wanda both speechless and in thought. Truth be told, the sisters hadn't had a whole lot of luck with happiness, every time they were happy something always seemed to come a long to detriment it. Wanda couldn't answer her sister's question because she didn't know why.

"We've just been unlucky in the past that doesn't mean to say that we can't move past it"

"Wanda,we both know that everything that's happened is impossible to move on from"

"It's not impossible, we will never forget it, all that trauma and pain is something that will stick with us forever but we can move on from it. Our pain only makes us stronger" Wanda reminded Aj.

"I don't feel strong" Aj whispered.

"And that's okay, you don't have to right now" Wanda pulled Aj onto her lap, wrapping her arms around her protectively,
"Everything will work out Avs"

"How do you know?"

"Because despite not feeling it right now, we're strong and we can get through whatever life throws at us just like we've always done"

"But what if-"
Before Aj could finish her sentence Thor walked into the room.

"You've got to be shitting me" Wanda mumbled under her breath, she had come down here to escape him and Tommy.

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