I miss him!(HH)

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requested! littlespace Lute age 2

Lute clung tightly to Sera, her small frame shaking with sobs, she had broken down pretty much as soon as she got back home. Her normally bright eyes were dulled by grief, and her once sassy, confident demeanor had vanished. Sera had rushed over to her upon hearing the news of Adam's death and held her close, her heart breaking for the little who had just lost the person she trusted more than anything. "Oh, Lute," Sera whispered, her voice a soothing murmur. She rocked her gently back and forth, her fingers brushing through her soft hair. "I'm here, sweetheart. I'm right here."

Lute buried her face in Sera's shoulder, her tears soaking into her clothes. Her words were barely audible through her cries. "He's... gone..." she cried out. Sera sighed softly, she had never really been taught how to deal with things like this, grief wasn't her specialty at all so she just whispered the most comforting thing she could think of, "I know, my dear, I know it hurts but you're okay now, you're here with me." Lute's small hand grasped Sera's shirt, seeking comfort and reassurance. Sera kissed the top of her head, her heart aching with a mixture of love and sorrow. Lute had been one of her closest friends for years and to see her like this- it was heartbreaking.

"Let it out, Lute," Sera murmured. "It's okay to cry. Adam would want you to remember the good times, the laughter." Lute hiccupped, her cries beginning to subside. Sera rocked her a little longer, holding her in her embrace until her breathing steadied. She pulled back slightly, wiping her tear-streaked face with the corner of her sleeve. "You're okay now," Sera repeated, her voice tender. "We'll get through this together, day by day." Lute looked up at Sera, her eyes still clouded with sadness but a glimmer of trust returning. 

Sera smiled softly at her, her heart swelling with love for the resilient little. Lute nodded slowly, her grip on Sera's shirt loosening slightly. She took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady herself. "I jus'... I wan' my daddy" she mumbled and oh how it broke Sera to hear her say that. "I know you do honey but sometimes life takes people away from us," Sera replied gently, her voice wavering slightly with emotion. "And it's okay to miss him. We can remember him together, okay?"

Lute nodded, her face still tear-stained but showing a glimmer of understanding. "member daddy?" she asked, her voice soft and fragile. Sera nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. "Yes, we can remember all the good times we had with him, remember the time he sat in paint and tried to get it off with a curling iron and spit?" Lute managed a small giggle amidst her tears, a fleeting moment of lightness in the midst of sadness. "He was funny," she whispered laughing in spite of the tears that were rolling down her face. And so as the evening wore on they sat telling funny stories and just remembering Adam- the first man and beloved caregiver of Lute.

i'm sorry it's short idk what else to write for this hope you like it 

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