Otterly(utterly heh pun) little(toh)

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requested again i'm getting a lot of requests on this book my other books almost never get any requests also sorry it's kinda short 

'Everyone's off doing their own thing even hooty went out with Lilith so now's the perfect time to be little' Luz thought as she looked through her bag debating on if she should wear her kitty onesie or her otter onesie. It was a really tough choice and she wished she could have both but then she spotted her kitty paci, hmm maybe she could have both. She popped the paci into her mouth taking out her otter onesie and putting it on. "m' a kitty otter!" she squealed clapping her hands. She got herself a juice box from the fridge and a snack as she prepared to watch one of her favorite movies "A is for abomination" she liked it cause the main character reminded her of her girlfriend Amity, she even had purple hair just like her. She giggled as the abomination goop formed a sorta snowman-esque figure, if not for the hundreds of eyes covering most of its body. Just as her favorite scene came on she heard a faint knocking followed by a voice calling out and she jumped up scared panicking, she couldn't let anyone see her like this she knew they'd most likely be accepting but even knowing that, she was still irrationally afraid of letting anyone find out. 

"Luz, are you here?" she heard her girlfriend ask as she hid behind the definitely not extremely short and not hiding her at all, curtains thinking she wouldn't be found there. "sowwy no-ody home go 'way" she called out not realising she was revealing her hiding spot and the fact that she was home, she was far too little to understand that, being only two at the moment. She heard the door creak open and a giggle before Amity said, "I can see you you know" Luz gasped, 'how'd she see me i'm hiding real good' she thought poking her head out from the curtains. "why'd you wanna hide from me? Is something wrong??" she cautiously asked amused and confused all the same. "hidin cawse m' scwared" "Scared? What are you scared of, Luz?" Amity asked, her voice filled with concern. "m' fwaid youz tinks I dumb an' suffs" she mumbled not looking at Amity. She suddenly felt a hand gently tilt her chin up and blush creep into her face as she met Amity's gaze, "Never Luz! I could never think that about you, okay? I love you for you and wouldn't ever want you to be any different" Luz blushed harder before burying her face into Amity's chest, "m' wove you Ami" "awe I love you too" Amity whispered kissing her girlfriend's forehead. "now mind telling me what you've been up to?" Amity chuckled softly as Luz nuzzled into her chest, still holding her tight. "ou no gonna mwake fun o' me wite?" she asked still a little scared. 

Now, Amity knew about littlespace but she never thought her girlfriend would be a little, until now that is so thinking of things that might reassure someone in a small state of mind she gasped dramatically before saying "no never how could I ever make fun of the cutest girl in the universe" Luz giggled saying "otay m' tells ou buh' it a seekwet no tells otay" she said making the most serious face she could muster which was adorable as she puffed out her lips and attempted to look scary. Amity played along with a conspiratorial wink, putting a finger to her lips. "Of course, Luz, it's our little secret. I won't tell anyone" Luz beamed, her trust in Amity evident in the sparkle of her eyes. "Pwomise?" "Cross my heart," Amity said, forming an X over her chest. "mkay' so I wa' bowed an' so I wan' be s'all an' so I did an' ow' I wathin a moobie" she said trying her best to explain. "awe you're small.." she gushed before asking, "well how old are you my little cutie?" Luz thought for a moment unsure as she'd never had to answer this question before so she'd never really thought about how small she was before she hesitantly said "m' woo I tinks" "two? That's so adorable" Amity cooed, hugging her tighter. 

Luz snuggled into the hug happily before saying "do ou wan' wath da moobie wif me?" Amity couldn't help but laugh at how adorable her girlfriend was being, it was hard to believe that just moments ago she was scared and hiding from her. "of course i'd love to watch the movie with you my adorable little otter" she cooed. "I no odder I kitty odder see" she said pulling out her paci from it's hiding place in her pocket and plopping it in her mouth. "oh, of course, my mistake. You're a kitty otter" Amity corrected herself with a smile as she joined Luz on the couch to watch the movie. As they snuggled together, watching the movie and eating snacks, Luz couldn't help but feel grateful that she had someone like Amity in her life who loved her no matter what, even when she was little. She felt safe and secure in her arms, knowing that she didn't have to hide this side of her anymore. And soon they were both fast asleep, snuggled up together on the couch as the end credits of the movie played.

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