Baby relax(HH)

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Requested also sorry this took so long idk what happened I get distracted easily and sometimes just can't focus my bad sorry hon

Charlie had stayed up all night, her willowy frame hunched over her desk, and her mind racing. She needed to get the hotel in order and arrange a meeting with Heaven, but nothing she did seemed to turn out right. The weight of responsibility had left her feeling drained, she knew it wasn't healthy to stay up all night and skip meals but she had to. She had to make this work, no matter what. "Charlie, baby you need to get some sleep" Charlie glanced up, her eyes bloodshot and heavy with weariness. "I can't, Vaggie," she murmured, her voice hoarse from exhaustion. "There's too much to do, too much at stake."

Vaggie crossed the room in quick strides, her arms enveloping Charlie in a tender embrace. "I know, sweetheart, but you can't keep pushing yourself like this," she whispered, pressing a kiss to Charlie's temple. "You need to take care of yourself too." Tears pricked at the corners of Charlie's eyes as she leaned into Vaggie's comforting embrace, the weight of her burdens too much to bear alone. "I'm sorry, Vaggie," she choked out, her voice trembling with emotion. "I just... I don't know how to make this work." Vaggie held her tighter, her heart breaking at the sight of Charlie's tears. "It's okay, honey," she murmured soothingly, brushing a gentle hand through Charlie's hair. "We'll figure it out together. But first, you need to relax."

With gentle insistence, Vaggie guided Charlie away from her desk and towards their cozy bedroom, her arms a steady anchor of support. She helped Charlie out of her rumpled clothes, replacing them with an oversized hoodie and despite Charlie's insistence that she didn't need it, a pullup. "but Vaaaagie i'm a big girl," she whined, though made no move to stop her caregiver as she slid the pullup onto her. "I know you're a big girl, honey," she reassured, gently guiding her into the oversized hoodie."but even big girls need a little protection" Vaggie continued, her voice soft and soothing. 

Now dressed in more comfy clothing, Charlie began to relax a bit mumbling, "m' tired" as Vaggie dug through her littlespace bag to find her a paci. Vaggie smiled sympathetically at Charlie's tired confession, understanding the toll that the night had taken on her. "I know, sweetheart," she murmured, her voice filled with compassion. "Momma's just gotta find your paci and then we can cuddle and watch a movie" 

Finally, her fingers closed around the familiar shape, and she pulled it out with a soft smile. "Here we go, baby," Vaggie cooed gently, offering the pacifier to Charlie. "Momma's got your paci right here." Charlie's eyes brightened slightly at the sight of her pacifier, "yay! paci" she quietly cheered. Vaggie couldn't help but smile at Charlie's tired but enthusiastic response."Exactly, sweetheart," Vaggie affirmed, her voice warm with affection. She gently guided the pacifier to Charlie's lips, watching with tenderness as Charlie eagerly accepted it, her tired features softening into a small, contented smile.

With Charlie settled in bed, pacifier in place, Vaggie climbed in beside her, wrapping her arms around her beloved girlfriend. Charlie snuggled closer, seeking the comfort and warmth of Vaggie's embrace. As they lay together, Vaggie began to softly stroke Charlie's hair, the rhythmic motion lulling her further into relaxation. "You did your best today, Charlie," Vaggie murmured softly, her words a gentle reminder. "And now it's time to relax" she gently kissed Charlie's forehead as she scrolled through Voxflix, picking out a cool superhero movie with a marshmellow(is that how you spell that?) looking character on the cover of it. And as they watched the heroes save the day, Charlie slowly fell asleep. "goodnight baby, I love you" being the last thing she heard before sleep finally consumed her.

hope you like it cause I think it's pretty good :)

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