It'll be okay Kat i've got you(mha)

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starts off with his abusive mom being a pos but ends with Kat's dad taking care of little him the abuse is only in the first 2 paragraphs so you can skip it if you need/want to

Katsuki cried softly as his mother hit him before quickly wiping away the tears. He wasn't weak, he was strong and he was gonna be the strongest hero ever, he couldn't cry! "Mitsuki please!" he heard his father beg as he stood between him and his mother. "don't you fucking start you're always defending him knowing you can't even defend yourself now move out of the fucking way or i'll move you myself!" she screamed. "Mitsuki please hurt me all you want but leave our son alone" he begged as she rolled her eyes saying, "You're always taking his side, always protecting him! And for what you think you're a fucking hero or some shit!"She snarled before turning her attention back to Katsuki. "and you wipe that look off your fucking face brat"she said as he quickly nodded. 

Katsuki was so scared, he wanted to run away and never come back but he had nowhere to go. He looked at his dad, who was standing there with tears in his eyes, begging his mom to stop. Katsuki felt so powerless, he couldn't do anything to help his father or himself. Maybe he really wasn't meant to be a hero after all. He wasn't strong enough to be a hero. And then he heard a loud smack, instantly knowing what had happened. "don't you fucking touch him you hag!" he screamed tears running down his face. "oh and just what're you gonna do about it" she sneered. "Kat please just go to your roo-" The sudden interruption of her phone call created a momentary pause, a temporary respite from the storm. As she stormed outside, Katsuki felt a mix of emotions—relief, lingering fear, and an unshakeable resolve.

Turning to his father, Katsuki practically launched himself into his embrace, his tears flowing freely. "shh shh it's alright It'll be okay Kat i've got you" he whispered softly. "dada" Katsuki murmured, the word a mixture of comfort and vulnerability. Masaru held his son close, his arms a shield against the pain they had both endured. He whispered soothing words, his voice a balm to Katsuki's wounded spirit. "Shh, it's alright, my boy. I've got you. I'm here." In that intimate moment, within the embrace of a father who understood and cared, Katsuki found a sanctuary from the storm that had raged around him. His tears were a release of pent-up emotions, a mixture of fear, anger, and the longing for safety. As he held onto his father, he felt the warmth of their connection, an unspoken promise that he wasn't alone in this struggle.

"Dada," Katsuki murmured once more, the word a testament to the bond they shared—the bond of a father's protection and a son's unwavering trust. Masaru's voice carried the weight of his love as he held Katsuki tightly. "I'm here for you, Kat. We'll face this together, no matter what." "dada I woves you" Katsuki choked out, his words nearly lost in his tears. Masaru's grip only tightened as he said, "I love you too, son now you go up to your room while I make sure your mother is gone" Katsuki nodded, sniffling as he stepped away from his father's embrace. With one last look, he slowly made his way to his bedroom, taking comfort in the knowledge that his father was always there for him. 

As Katsuki made his way to his bedroom, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within him. The weight of the recent events hung heavily on his shoulders, but the love and support of his father were like a guiding light, helping him navigate the darkness. He gently sucked on his thumb curling up on his bed and waiting for his dad to tell him it was safe again. "Kat she's-" he paused seeing Katsuki curled up on his bed asleep. He kissed his son's forehead grabbing his pacifier and blanket for him, before tucking him in. He whispered a soft "sweet dreams" before leaving the room. 

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