Roman's not the only little(ss)

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regressors and ages are: Roman 6 Patton 3

 Patton and Logan had been making lunch when they heard a crash and a loud "Noooo" echoing from the livingroom. Logan sighed muttering "I knew we shouldn't have left him alone" They quickly charged into the room, seeing a toppled tower of blocks, and in the midst of the chaos stood a regressed Roman, pouting angrily. Logan and Patton rushed forward, Logan scooping up the regressed Roman in his arms. "Roman, are you alright? What happened?" Roman's voice quivered with innocence as he pointed to the blocks. "My castle fell an' went evwewhere Uncle Lo!" Patton, feeling his own regression coming on, couldn't help but giggle. "Don't worry, little Prince. We'll clean it up together, okay?" Roman nodded enthusiastically exclaiming, "play the clean up song from Dora!!" With that, Logan pulled out his phone and started playing the "Clean Up" song from Dora the Explorer. Roman's face lit up in excitement as he began to help Patton pick up the blocks. Logan and Patton couldn't help but smile as they watched Roman's excitement grow with each block he picked up. 

The regressed Roman was fully engrossed in the task at hand, singing along to the clean-up song and dancing around the room. Soon enough, the living room was returned to its original state. A timer beeped in the kitchen signaling that lunch was ready. The regressed Roman's eyes widened with excitement as he looked towards the kitchen, where the timer beeped once again, reminding them of the prepared lunch. His stomach growled, and he giggled sheepishly. "Sw-sounds like someone's ready for lunch!" Patton exclaimed, shaking his head and pushing his regression back. 'I can't be little right now I'm supposed to be the dad right now' he thought. Patton took a deep breath, summoning his adult self to the forefront. 

He gently patted Roman's head, a reassuring smile on his face. "You did an amazing job cleaning up, Roman!," Patton said, his voice steady and comforting. Logan nodded, stepping forward to join them. "Indeed, Roman. Your help was invaluable. Now, let's go to the kitchen and enjoy the lunch that's waiting for us." As they sat down at the table and Roman was handed hs sippy cup, Patton whined pouting, he wanted a sippy cup too. He blushed in embarrassment as he realized what he was doing. Logan shot him a questioning look but said nothing. Patton smiled apologetically, quickly reminding himself to be the adult in the situation. Logan's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he observed Patton's reaction.

"Patton, are you alright?" he asked gently, his voice laced with concern. "y-yeah of course why wouldn't I be" He stammered out. Logan's expression softened as he recognized the defensiveness in Patton's response. "Patton," Logan said softly, "I want you to know that you can be honest with me. We're here to support each other, and it's okay to admit when we're experiencing negative emotions." Patton hesitated for a moment, then sighed, realizing that he couldn't hide this from Logan. "i'm a... little too" He confessed, glancing away bashfully. Logan nodded with understanding, taking Patton's hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "do you want a sippy cup?" He asked, giving Patton a knowing smile.

Patton nodded shyly, and Logan quickly grabbed one for him. Patton smiled gratefully as he took the sippy cup from Logan's hands. Roman watched the exchange between the two with wide eyes, not understanding the situation fully but sensing the love and support between them. He smiled happily, content that everyone was happy. "Patt look our cups match now!" He exclaimed cheerfully. "matchy buddies!!" Patton cheered, clinking their sippy cups together. 

After they finished lunch, Logan helped Patton get changed into a onesie. "How old are you bud?" Patton giggled and held up three fingers. "I'm tree!!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike excitement. Roman watched their interaction, his eyes sparkling with joy. "I got a little brother!!" he exclaimed happily. Logan chuckled at Roman's excitement. "That's right, Roman. You and Patton are like brothers now," he said, ruffling Roman's hair. Patton and Roman ran around the house for the rest of the day, playing games and doing crafts together. As the evening approached, Patton and Roman both started to regress further, their eyes beginning to droop in tiredness. Logan noticed this and suggested they take a bath before bedtime. The two boys quickly agreed, Patton taking Roman's hand in his own as they made their way to the bathroom. Logan watched them splash around in the tub, feeling a swell of love in his heart. And soon they were fast asleep, cuddled up together. 

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