Chapter 11

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A loud bang on the door woke her up.

"What's happening?" Susan rubbed her eyes.

"I'll go look. Stay here." Chad put on his jeans, walked to the bedside table, and opened the door. His hand was inside for a second and emerged with a gun. He inserted something that made a metallic clicking sound she recognized from movies and TV shows.

"Chad, no."

Another bang on the door. Susan took a t-shirt from the ground, threw it over her head, and followed Chad to the top of the stairs. Someone was yelling something. Her eyes opened wide when the meaning of the words got through her foggy, sleep-driven haze. "Chad, it's the FBI. Lose the gun or they'll shoot you."

Chad looked at her. He, too, finally woke up. "You're right. Here."

"I'm not touching that."

He rolled his eyes and went back to the bedroom while shouting. "I'm coming."

Hastily, he came back. "They cannot see you wearing only a t-shirt. Get dressed."

She did what he asked her to do as quickly as possible. She heard him walking down the stairs. Molly was barking. Buttoning up her jeans, she heard shouting. "FBI, don't move!" Careful not to run, Susan arrived at the top of the stairs. Her hands raised.

One agent looked up. "Who're you?"

"His girlfriend."

"We've only an arrest warrant for him. You can stay here."

Chad looked up. His hands were in handcuffs in front of him. "Find me a lawyer."

Susan nodded. She felt like crying.

"And take care of Molly."

"How? I mean, I know nothing about dogs." She knew how silly this must sound. He was being arrested, and she was babbling about the dog.

"One cup of food in the morning and one at night."

The FBI agent took Chad by the shoulder. "Time to go."

"It'll be alright. I did nothing."

She tried to smile. She didn't want him to see her tears. "I'll come as soon as possible."

Chad was already outside, and she followed him.

Another thought popped into her head. "Wait!"

The agent looked over his shoulder. "Ma'am, stay inside."

"Where are you bringing him?"

The agent yelled something.

"What?" It seemed like the most important thing right now and she didn't understand. Not daring to disobey an order, she stayed on the porch.

The officer stuffed Chad in the back of a black SUV with flashing red and blue lights.

What should she do now? And then she knew. She took her phone. Her fingers hovered over his name. She couldn't, could she? She had to, for Chad, and so she made the call.

"You have a friend living in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania?" David, the only lawyer she knew, asked.

Susan fumbled with a pencil she found on a side table next to the front door. "I'll tell you the details when I see you, if that's okay with you?"


"They'll bring her to the nearest field office. I'll text you the address. Are you sure we meet there? I can pick you up and we can drive together..."

Make him love me again (Love: stand back and standby)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat