Broken Promises Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

"Solo training?" Bucky's tone was innocent, but you could tell he was asking for a reason.

"Dad and Nat are going to help me get back into the swing of things." You replied.

"Oh...that's good." He mused, dropping his gaze to the floor.

You stared at him, seeing the disappointment even though he was trying his hardest to hide it. Asking him to help you in combat training would be a mistake. It was too close...too intimate. It didn't hurt to be around him anymore, but doing something that required close contact wasn't something you were ready for.

"I–I'm going to do some firearms training after. I might need a refresher...I mean, if you're available to help me." You stammered.

Bucky looked up at you and you could swear you saw his eyes sparkle.

"Y-yeah. Yeah, I'd be happy to!"

The elevator doors opened and you walked off before turning to speak to Bucky.

"I'll have FRIDAY notify you when I'm ready." You smiled and then turned quickly in the direction of the training room before you could change your mind.


Training with your dad and Nat was rough. You spent more time on the mat than on your feet and your whole body ached by the time you were done. Sweat beaded on your skin, soaking through your clothes, and your hair was unraveling from the braid you had put it in a few hours before. There was a time where you could take Nat down with little effort. Even getting your dad down on the mat in the boxing ring was a piece of cake. Now, trying to keep up with either of them was a challenge.

They were both encouraging and didn't criticize anything you did wrong, but you were pissed by the end of it. Not at them and not even at yourself, it was directed at the people who had taken you. This was just another thing to the long list of things they'd taken from you. It took an hour of using the meditating exercises your therapist had given you in order for you to calm down. Once you finished meditating, you were tempted to head straight to your room for a hot shower and a nap, skipping the shooting range. But something within you didn't want to.

Without Autumn around trying to sabotage things, you were remembering why you liked being around Bucky. Building back the relationship you'd previously had was the last thing on your mind, but you wouldn't be opposed to a friendship. You asked FRIDAY to let Bucky know you were heading to the outdoor range at the back of the compound. Before heading outside, you stopped at the arms room and selected a few different caliber handguns and ammo.

Bucky was already at one of the stalls when you arrived, busying himself with lining up the sights on his gun. You hung back for a moment and watched him, steeling yourself to spend one on one time with him. He set his gun down and huffed out a breath as he ran his fingers through his hair. By the looks of his disheveled locks, it wasn't the first time he'd done that. He glanced to his left and then turned to his right, a smile parting his lips as he saw you.

"Hey, doll."

You nodded at him and sat your things down at the stall next to him.

"How was your first day of training?"

You started your normal prep as you spoke.

"Harder than I remember. I mean, I know I haven't been able to train in three years, but I thought I'd be better than I was." You said, a hint of bitterness soaking into your tone.

"You did your best, Y/n."

"How would you know? You weren't even there. I was awful." You frowned up at him.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now