Unimportant Pt. 5 (Xander Ending)

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A/N: The middle part of the story is mostly the same as the previous part. There are some changes, but only a few. 

"Goodbye, Xander." You said quietly.

You stood in front of your door and watched as his car pulled away from the curb. A hollow feeling settled in your chest as the realization that Xander was really leaving settled over you. Tears stung your eyes and your body felt heavy. You trudged into your house and went straight to your room to get ready for bed.

You followed your routine on auto-pilot as you replayed the events of the night. Seeing Bucky again, agreeing to talk to him, Xander telling you he was leaving...his kiss. You shook your head lightly, trying to push everything to the back of your mind. You were on emotional overload and your brain needed a break from thinking about Bucky and Xander.

After washing off your makeup and brushing your teeth, you changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. You turned the TV to something mindless and tried to drown out all the noise in your mind, but it was useless. Your thoughts flipped between Bucky and Xander.

Bucky was willing to explain and work through your issues. He had caused you so much pain and you were finally getting better with Xander's help. You didn't know if you were willing to jeopardize your progress by going back to him when he could end up doing the same thing to you again.

Xander on the other hand had been nothing but understanding about your feelings for Bucky. He listened to you vent your hurt and anger, but didn't laugh at you when you'd break down and say how stupid you felt for still loving him. The whole time you thought you were building a friendship, Xander had been falling in love with you.

The whole situation was confusing. You couldn't say you loved Xander, but the more you thought about it, you could tell you had some type of feelings for him. Rather it was just because he helped you during your darkest time or they were true feelings, you weren't sure. Would you regret not exploring those feelings and finding out where they could lead?


You pulled into a parking space outside the compound around noon and stared at the building. Your heart was racing and your palms were getting sweaty the longer you sat there. There was still time for you to turn around and leave. Your finger hovered in front of the start button on your car, but you hesitantly pulled your hand back and blew out a huff of air.

You grabbed your phone and pulled up your texts. You needed some encouragement and you knew there was only one person that could give that to you.

Y/n: I don't think I can do this.

Your leg bounced as you waited for a reply.

Xander: Yes you can, sweetheart. The choice is yours in the end, but at least hear him out.

Your brow twitched in irritation. Xander may not have said he loved you outright, but you knew what he was implying. It was hard to understand why he was pushing you to work things out with Bucky when he was in love with you.

Y/n: Why are you so determined for me to talk to him?

Xander: Because you love him and I just want you to be happy. Even if that means you're with him.

Y/n: Do you love me, Xander?

You stared at your phone, watching the three dots on the screen appear and disappear as Xander tried to work out his response. When the text appeared on your screen, it was a single word answer.

Xander: Yes.

Even now, while he was packing up his life and leaving the woman he was in love with, he was still thinking about your happiness. He was selflessly letting you go so you could be with Bucky. How had you missed the way he always made sure your emotional needs were met? Providing a shoulder to cry on, giving you his unbiased advice, or pushing you to work things out with Bucky. Xander truly loved you. You were trying to think of an appropriate reply when your phone rang and you saw Xander's name pop up on your phone. You swiped across the screen and answered as quickly as you could.

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