I Don't Want You Pt. 5

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Bucky and Steve had been gone for five days. The morning after you slept with Bucky, you woke up to an empty bed and a ton of questions. Your first instinct was to go to Nat and Yelena, but you tabled that thought. Neither one of them were Bucky's biggest fan at the moment and telling them that you slept with him and were considering taking him back, well that was just a disaster waiting to happen. Instead, you sought out help from the next best person. Sam swung open his bedroom door and gave you a beaming smile like always.

"Hey, Sam. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Come on in." He opened the door wider for you to enter and then shut it behind you. "What's up?"

You took a seat on his bed while he sat down in his desk chair.

"It's about Bucky."

"Ahh, need some advice?"

"Well, yeah. I can't really talk to Nat or Yelena. Nat would give me her disapproving mom stare and Yelena would just yell at me in Russian and then threaten to kill Bucky and me if I ever let him touch me again."

"So you came to me instead?" Sam raised his brows and smirked.

"You're the most level headed person I know. And I really need help."

Sam took in the way your shoulders were slumped and the indecisive look on your face. He knew what happened between you and Bucky. Steve had vented his frustrations about the whole situation to him. He agreed with Steve that you were both a match made in heaven, but Sam also saw your side of things. Being told by the person you love most, that they don't want you—it would be devastating, even if it was done with the best intentions.

"Okay, then. Lay it on me. What's going on in that head of yours?" Sam leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I slept with Bucky the night before he and Steve left." You sighed heavily and fell backwards on the bed.

"And the problem is?" Sam pressed.

"The problem is that I don't know if I even want to give our relationship another try. I'm still angry with him." You shot up on the bed with an exasperated look and shook your head. "I love him. I really, really do..."

"But you're scared." Sam finished your thought. "You're afraid that he's going to do the same thing if he ever finds himself in this type of situation again."

"Exactly! I know he's sorry. I can see his pain and regret every time I look into his eyes, but whenever I think of moving forward with him, I remember what he put me through and I can feel myself pulling away from him again."

Sam pursed his lips and nodded his head slowly. A long moment passed before he spoke.

"Your feelings are completely valid, Y/n. If I were in your position, I'd have the same reservations about taking someone back who hurt me the way Bucky did you. However, can I say something from a personal standpoint?"

You nodded for him to continue and he pressed forward.

"What Bucky did was wrong and uncalled for." Sam said, leaning his elbows onto his knees. "But, I'm pretty confident in saying that he would never make this mistake again. Everyone has seen the way he's been sulking around the compound. He's miserable. If you gave him another chance, I really feel that he would learn from his mistake. If you're willing to give him a second chance, you need to have a talk with him. Explain to him that you can't be with him if he's going to keep things from you."

You chewed on the side of your cheek, nodding your head as you stared at the floor. You loved Bucky and you realized the night you slept with him that you didn't want to give up on him. But he needed to know that this was the only chance he was getting. There was only so much heartache you could let him cause and he had reached his limit.

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