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You groaned when Wanda banged on your door and told you to be ready to leave in fifteen minutes. She had roped you into going shopping with her and you were already regretting your decision. You loved Wanda, but shopping with her was an all day event and that wasn't your thing. You were more of a 'get what you need and get out' type of girl. Shopping wasn't your idea of fun, but it made your sister happy and, after the year she'd had, that was all that mattered.

You grabbed your things and headed downstairs to the kitchen to wait for her. Wanda would shop for hours without taking a break. There had been times you literally had to drag her out of a store to get food before you collapsed from low blood sugar, so you grabbed a granola bar and some yogurt to tide you over until she decided to break for lunch. You leaned your elbows on the counter while you ate and scrolled through your phone.

Your phone pinged with a message from your boyfriend and a small smile crossed your face. While you were excited to spend time with your sister, you would prefer to spend your Saturday with Bucky. It seemed like the two of you were always out of sync lately. He'd be returning from a mission as you were leaving or vice versa. While you were training he'd have free time, but when you weren't scheduled for any activities, he'd be off running drills with new agents.

Bucky: Where are you, baby?

Y/n: Kitchen

Bucky: On my way.

You smiled, knowing he'd be there in a matter of minutes. The sound of quick footsteps echoed through the open area and you knew exactly who it was.

"Hey, doll face. Going somewhere?" Bucky asked as his arms wrapped around your stomach and he rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Wanda asked me to go shopping with her. I tried getting out of it, but you know how she is."

You turned in his arms and smiled sadly up at him. This was the first day in months your schedules had aligned and now you were going to be gone most of the day, but how could you tell Wanda no. While she had Vision to help her through Pietro's death, you hadn't met Bucky yet. Wanda always made sure to be there for you as you grieved the loss of your brother. You wanted to do the same for her.

She was still dealing with Vision's death and you had lost count of the times she had told you that you were the only thing she had to live for anymore. She had lost so much over the course of her life, it felt wrong to blow her off when you could tell she was hanging on by a thread. You would always do what needed to be done in order to help your sister.

"Oh good! You're both here." Wanda said as she walked into the kitchen with Sam in tow.

"What do you mean both?" You asked.

"I asked Sam and Bucky to come with us."

"Surprise." Bucky whispered in your ear.

"Wait, wait, wait. You convinced them to go shopping with us?" You asked, wide eyed and mouth slightly agape.

"Mhm." Wanda nodded. "The more the merrier."

Since Vision died, Wanda rarely liked being alone. Being left with her own thoughts was more dangerous than being surrounded by a crowd of people where she could easily tune into anyone else's inner monologue.

"Let me ask you boys a question. Have you ever been shopping with Wanda?" You asked as you moved out of Bucky's arms to stand next to Wanda.

Both men shook their heads and you burst out laughing. Wanda giggled and then motioned for everyone to follow her as she walked out of the kitchen. You patted Bucky and Sam on their shoulders as you walked past.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now