"What's up Lyz?" I ask, watching as my best friend took a seat next to me on the bleachers, her black hair in two French braids.

"Bored now, I wish I could practice." She sighs half over dramatically, but I knew her not being able to practice and being forced to watch her own and still coming with me to support her girlfriend and the rest of the team was weighing on her.

"Few more weeks pooks." I state, to which she gives me a half smile.

"In all honesty I'll just be glad when I this stupid sling."

"You don't even wear it all the time, which honestly might be why it's taking longer to heal."

Alyssa considers the statement with a thought, sighing and adjusting herself to where she was laying on the bleacher besides me, her head propped up against thigh as she pulled out her phone, scrolling through it. "You're probably right."

"Of course I'm right." I laugh, patting her head before picking up my camera. Letting my bestfriend lay on me as I started to do my job.

"Have you been on Twitter lately?"

"No, you know I've been mostly on Instagram and tiktok with the girls basketball stuff." Alyssa hums softly as I answer her, "Why?"

"There's a bunch of hype against Iowa and Uconn this year, a bunch of people are saying how they can't wait for Bueckers vs Clark match up."

I laugh at that, thinking about the possible posters and advertisements she could be seeing.

"It would definitely be a good showing. Two of the top players."

"Definitely going to that game."

"You act like you aren't coming to every one of them. You're little bae is on the team too." I laugh, watching as Alyssa's face starts to turn pink a bit but a small smile grow on her face.

"Yeah... that pretty girl is so mine."

"You, are so gay."

"Oh let's not talk about that," She starts before she lowers her voice, "A-Ah... Paige.." My eyes widen at the small fake moan that comes from my friend before I smack her in her good arm, avoiding both her injured arm and concussed head.

"You are such an ass."

"You, are not that quiet." The snicker that comes from Alyssa's mouth makes my face turn red, "Hey, if my bestie gets some she gets some, I got airpods."

I roll my eyes at that, fighting the blush that was still on my face. Instead just focusing on bring my camera up and taking pictures.

She's just mad she hasn't gotten any from Nika yet with her being hurt. Alyssa puts her phone down on her stomach, closing her eyes. Inglance down at her.



"Did you take your medicine?"

"Out. I forgot to get some more." She shrugs, still laying against me as I sigh.

"We'll get some more after we leave this practice."

"It's not that big of a deal."

"It's not that big of a deal." I mock, sighing as I rub a hand over my face. "I swear it's like I'm taking care of a little kid with you sometimes. You haven't told Nika you've run out, have you?"

A pause, "No."

I chuckle at that, "You know she'd be on your ass for it because you're wrong for not letting us know."

"Yeahhhh whatever." She tries to play it off, turning on her side, slinged arm resting infront of her as she tried to fall asleep. I tsk but leave the younger alone to fall asleep, she was definitely a bit moody today. Probably her head and other woman things.


I had gently moved the sleeping Alyssa off me when practice ended, allowing me to pack my stuff up as some of the team left, Nika and my girlfriend walking up to me after they cleaned up and showered. I had finished my packing and was just working in my laptop with Alyssa asleep next to me.

"Ready?" Paige asks, looking at me and I smile, nodding as she picks up my tripods, leaning down to kiss me, making my smile grow wider.

"She asleep?" Nika asks me, watching as her own hadn't moved when the two came over, I nod.

"She has been for atleast an hour and a half... She got a really bad migrane half way through your guys practice, and guess who doesn't have medicine left." I reveal, throwing my camera bag over my shoulder.

Nika let's out a twin sigh to the one I had earlier, shaking her head before the Croatian moves to her girlfriend, gently picking her up.

"Reminds you of the beginning huh?" My girlfriend teases her friend, watching as Nika smiles sheepishly with the girl in her arms who unconsciously cuddles into her.

"Well now she's mine so." Nika shrugs as best as she can with the other in her arms, the four od us starting to make our way to my car as Alyssa yawns softly, starting to wake up but just staying in Nika's arm.

"Hi beautiful." Nika mutters to the girl in her arms, causing Alyssa to come to a bit more despite being tired. Her head peaks up as she notices us near my car.

"Shit..  You guys could have woke me up.." She says with another yawn, however seeming very comfortable in her girlfriends hold. 

"You were cute... Plus we all know you could use the rest when you can sleep love." Nika's voice echos as she kisses Alyssa's forehead, making a happy noise come from the other athlete.

"You're so strong.." Alyssa's tired voice comes from her before her face flushes, instantly stammering when she realized her apparent though was spoken outloud causing Paige and I to laugh while Nika smirks.

"I'd sure hope so, or weights would be all for nothing." Nika jokes, sitting the girl in the backseat before following after her and sitting with her. Paige helps me put the stuff in trunk.

"Hey Lyz?" Paige starts with a smirk, looking in the rearview mirror as she sits in the passengers seat, I tilt my head as I get in the drivers.


"Do you remember the first time Nika carried you to the car?"

Nika's eyebrows shoot up as shs tries to stop Paige from talking again, the blonde just ducking away from the hand that tries to cover her mouth from the backseat.

"Huh? The first time?" Alyssa questions, tilting her head.

"Twin shut u-"

"How do you think you got to the car during one of our first practices? When you fell asleep after having lift and your own practice?" Alyssa blinks at Paige's words, realization shining behind her eyes. I giggle myself.

"Miss Muhl here carried you back, even gave you a good ole smooch of. the forehead."

"Paige!" Nika yells and yssa blushes next to her, before chuckling alongside the rest of the girls, leaning against her girlfriend.

"Ever the gentlewoman?" Alyssa jokes, even with the blush on her cheeks, she smiles at the girl she's leaning into. "You know we could have been together a lot sooner if I would have known that..."

"We both were... painfully oblivious to our feelings with each other." Nika sighs, relaxing with Alyssa leaning against her in the back seat, grinning at the volleyball player as Alyssa kisses her cheek.

"Thank you for always taking care of me ljubav."  Alyssa speaks, the rare Croatian coming from her as she usually responded to Nika in English most times when the other would speak the foreign language to her with a few exceptions.

"I wouldn't rather it any other way."

"GAY!" Paige yells and I reach across the center console to smack her against her stomach, making her gasp in both shock and pain.


"Leave them alone." I laugh, joking with her as Paige playfully pouts, I look back in front of me as I start the car, putting it in reverse and driving back to our apartment.

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