I don't know why he left us.
Or why we....

The others gathered around us hugging him , some handing him the tissues. Some literally gifting him guns! Fucking guns.

My expressions were enough for my father to burst into laugh even while crying.

The whole evening dad was beside me.
Because of him, my confidence rose up.
Each time any person would visit and all my level would gear up.

Alessa left 15 minutes before as she had some business with her fiance Marcus.

"Let's go home , I don't want to spend the whole evening here. " Dad said offering me his own coat.

His coat was hella warm and the soft fur made me more cozy and comfy.

" Um okay " I tried to ignore his eyes, not knowing what to say to my own father!

" Is there something which is troubling you? " He asked concerned.

" Um.. dad. I know ... Inmean I love you a lot and I understand bout how you are feeling right now. But .." my voice cracked up at the last word.
Building up little bit confidence I finally spit out .." but...d-dad I hate these men around me . Every single one of them. I hate this crowd I hate everyone here. I am not comfortable standing here and faking a smile. Can we please go home? " Home!..
Yes I said home.

And maybe I would get a chance to speak to him bout mumma.

" I know . I don't want to keep you here for even more than a second. I hate the men staring at you damn worse, and I want my daughter happy for right now? RYT hun? " He grabbed my hand. Not even in a min , my dad was surrounded by ladies.
Some of 'em looking quite young as if in their 20's.

" Excuse me " my one word and everyone were aligned in a row. Giving me free space to move.

This is awkward .

" Daisy, I'll be there in a min . Don't worry . Loren will guide you "

2 blondes grabbed my dad's arms and dragged him towards the unknown rooms we were surrounded with.

My gaze were going along the girls.
As soon as one of them turned back to see me .
She lost her extreme wide grin , releasing my dad's left arm and whispering something to him.

" Mam , here please. " A kind old lady maybe in her 50's guided me towards the entrance.
I was still eyeing those blondes down until they faded behind those huge decors.

Loren was genuinly welcoming and her warm welcoming attitude was everything for me.

" Here your father will be back soon" and she closed the car's door.

I'm still with no phone , no electronic device and nothing around.
I must wonder how alessa would be living her life .

But I saw her with a device before , yesss I saw . How can u forget bout it daisy.
She called Marcus and left .

Oh so she do owns a brand new device and me? Nothing at all.

This car is surrounded by 4 men all dressed up in Black suits. Ofcourse the security is kinda high on me today.

I made my way upto the front seat  knocking on the windows so one of 'em could notice.
They quickly came for the help.

" Um hey can you please play some music here? " He apologized and went towards the driver's seat , opening the window and adjusting whatever the buttons are here.

" Thank you so much . what's your name?" I asked but He again apologised.

" I'm sorry mam but we need to hide our identity, you know the mask also works for this ." He pointed towards his mask.

" Oh I see I'm sorry for that . "
Before my sentences would be finished he closed the door.

I have a huge playlist infront of me.
A modern car and obvious why won't I be able to use it, but I'm sure I'd be end up being messed up with this and so I needed the help.

The playlist had all classical songs, old and sad.
I wonder whose car is this.

My worst decision for right now was to ask for some music to be played.
I cant really spend my time all alone in dis damn car hearing these sad songs.


I was lost staring outside the window gripping my coat more tight because it was getting colder now.
It's been 15 minutes since dad is gone.
For real I'm scared.

Somebody knocked right beside my seats window. Unlocking the car and then getting inside it.

He looked quite young.
I thought he was their but no he has a hooded robe or I don't know what to call this .

He checked on the windows and noticed me sitting beside.

" Lady!? Who the fuck you are! "
Damn his voice almost squeezed my heart as if now I'd be dead by his next words .

My eyes went wide , at his reaction.
I quickly grabbed the handle to open the car's door but they were locked!

" uHm excuse me. I'm sorry but I don't know who you are and loren guided me here . I was just waiting for my father and I guess he ain't back so i'll go and check upon him.."

He slammed his wrists on my window , his face only few inches away. The strong cologne is burning my cheeks.

" Princess ! Who do you think you are? And loren she know you hah? "

He said in a rough tone, the deep voice is perfect getting along with the cold winter.

" Excuse me what do you mean? " I was sinking inside the seat more like covering myself with papa's coat.

" Oh..you wanna know? Here look " his eyes directed mine towards his wrist still near the window ," Cute Lil bunnies like you always have less chance of survival . Are you new to the club. " He licked his lips staring at mine.

" Excuse me ? " My voice almost shivered at him getting more closer to me.

" The snakes over here , every single one of 'em carries their own weapon. Even the major and the minor. I see you need to understand the mechanics? Wanna activate my weapon?"
As soon as those words left his mouth, my left palm rose and met his cheeks.
Damn I slapped him.

My hands for real he shaking by the fear of an unknown men in a car with me.

Now the shit is getting real it's creeping me out.

I pursed my lips shut , seeing him squeezing his fists .

His Jaw clenched and those dead eyes are freaking me out.

" Thank you miss , wanna try now?" He smirked .

I wanted to remove his robe proper so I can see his face.

The darkness is covering us both and I want to survive.

He interlocked both my hands up and saw my coat.
The name written on it.

" D- daisy? "

He..h-he know me?

No is this ri...

" I'm sorry "  he backed off me, slamming the door shut .
I was left alone again~

What just happened daisy!

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