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"Oh shit" Hobi was shocked.
"H-hobi d-dont play a p-prank o-on me! I-I'm being serious!!" Jin stuttered.

Jin was dead scared. Everyone looked behind and witnessed what is happening. "God! Why are you all looking at me like this! Help me!!" Jin urged.

That creature behind him gently patted his shoulders. Jin started getting even more scared, grinning in fear. He turned around slowly.

He did not expect this!

He totally did not!

"Hyung..." namjoon started.

Jin's heart is beating so fast.

Namjoon kneeled down, looking jin into his drak brown eyes. "I..." he started as he slowly took a bouquet of flower from behind. "Hyung I love yo-", jin quickly hugged namjoon, leaving soft tears, cutting of namjoon.

Namjoon did not expect this to happen. Eyes widened, totally stunned and speechless.

He snapped out and quickly hugged jin back tightly, loving the older's embrace.

Everyone where suprised. Literally witnessing a proposal infront of them.

They both got up. Holding eachother's hand. Poor bouquet took it's place somewhere around the floor. They were too into eachother to notice the bouquet laying useless.

"I-I l-love you, h-hyung" namjoon confessed. "I love you too... Joonie" jin confessed making namjoon blush at his new nick name.

Their hands slowly started to wrap around eachother. As their lips where whining to lock them.

Ever slow and passionately, They kissed eachother.

Everyone went "aww" at the cute love birds infront of them.

Both pulled away, needing of air. Namjoon quickly pulled jin to hug tighter. "HYUNG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He confessed bravely. Jin broke the hug cupping namjoon's face. He pulled him again to lock their lips.

This time for longer...

Namjoon wanted this...
For so long!
His long time crush... now kissing him.
He never thought he would kiss his crush in real.

But this moment will forever be treasured in his heart.

They slowly pulled away from the kiss. Hugging eachother tightly but then pulled away.

"How did you get this idea on proposing in a scary bungalow!?" Jin wondered.

"Cause you are my boo~" namjoon flirted, making everyone go "Ohhhhhh" in a teasing way.

"That's why we call him big brain" hobi teased. "Hyung now I will be the first one to tease you both! Imma get my revenge back on teasing me and yoongi!" Jimin joked making everyone laugh except for jungkook.

Who was too focused looking at his angle, cutely thinking how great it would be if Taehyung said yes when jungkook propose him.

"So yoongs! This is what I wanna show you" hobi announced to yoongi. "Wait- how do you know he is gonna propose. To me?" Jin asked, eyebrows raised in suprise.

"Your behaviour?" Hobi hinted shortly. "Oh fuck" namjoon muttered. "I mean I was more than conformed when you said to go to the amusement Park." Hobi teased.

Somehow the scary bungalow came to an end. The scary bungalow was more like a lovely bungalow, beacause of Jin and namjoon.


Taehyung was laying in the couch with his head on the right handle of the couch and his legs over the left handle of the couch.

He felt really comfortable sitting on the position yet feeling useless.

Jungkook was taking a nap because he came home really tired after playing in the amusement park.

Feeling useless Taehyung thought it would be better to start doing his assignment.

He got up to take his computer from his room but he stood up too quick. "Ohhhhh shit" he said feeling kinda dizzy.

After a few seconds he felt fine, he then went to his room to grab his laptop.

Coming back from the room, he witnessed jungkook standing at the door frame, trembling silently

"H-hyung?" Jungkook stuttered, his voice quivering.

"A-are you okay?" Taehyung put the laptop on his bed and quickly went to check jungkook, who was visibly shaking.

"I-I um I n-never mind n-nothing" Jungkook faltered, gazing the floor.

"No, Jungkook you are clearly shaking! What happened....?!" Taehyung whispered to calm the situation.

"C-can we c-cuddle?"

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