56. The Swayamvara

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"But what if I don't find someone who understands me, who really sees who I am beyond the princess?"

"You will," Devashree said confidently, her smile infectious. "And you know what? They'll have to be pretty extraordinary to match up to you. This Swayamvar isn't just about finding someone who can string a bow. It's about finding someone who can string together the depths of your heart with theirs."

Draupadi laughed, the sound lightening her spirits. "And what if they can't?"

"Then they don't deserve you," Devashree shrugged playfully. "But seriously, Draupadi, you're not just choosing a husband today. You're choosing a partner on your terms. Trust yourself to know who feels right."

Draupadi's gaze drifted to the window, looking out at the gathering crowd. "And if I make a mistake?"

Devashree followed her gaze, her voice soothing. "Then you learn, and you grow. That's what life's about, right? Making choices, taking chances. And you won't be alone. You've got a whole palace of supporters, and hey, you've got me. I'm not letting you navigate this alone."

This brought a genuine smile to Draupadi's face.

"I'm so glad you're here, Devashree. I don't think I could do this without you."

"Of course, you could," Devashree nudged her playfully. "But it's a lot more fun with me around, right?" Her tone was light, aiming to keep the mood upbeat.

Draupadi nodded, her spirits visibly lifted. "Right. Let's show them what the princess of Panchal is made of."

"That's the spirit!" Devashree exclaimed, standing up and offering her hand to Draupadi

As Draupadi and Devashree made their way to the Swayamvar venue, Krishna approached them

"Draupadi, Devashree," Krishna began, "It seems there's been a little misunderstanding."

Draupadi furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Misunderstanding? What do you mean, Govind?"

Krishna chuckled softly. "Well, my dear, it seems this Swayamvar isn't for you after all."

"Not for me? But... but I've been preparing for weeks! I'm the one who's supposed to choose a husband." Draupadi's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with possibilities.

Krishna shook his head in dejection.

"It appears that our dear Shree has captured so much attention that some guests are wondering if she might be the one choosing a suitor today!"

Draupadi let out a relieved laugh hearing Krishna's jest.

"Govind, you shouldn't frighten me like that! I almost believed you for a moment."

Devashree rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please. Like anyone would mistake me for the bride."

"You'd be surprised, Priye. You're practically glowing " Krishna grinned mischievously.

Draupadi couldn't help but laugh at the banter between Krishna and Devashree. She turned towards her sakha and leaned to whisper. "So, what do you suggest we do,Sakha?"

Krishna's expression turned more conspiratorial as he looked at Draupadi.

"I suggest you stay very, very far away from this woman here, Sakhi. We wouldn't want people getting confused about who the real bride is. And you Priye should stay very close to me during the ceremony, just to make sure everyone knows you're already taken. We wouldn't want any of the princes making a bid for you instead of vying for Draupadi's hand."

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