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In the divine and majestic abode of Kailash, where tranquility and wisdom flowed as freely as the sacred Ganges, a rather special assembly was taking place place.

Seated in a semi-circle that somehow still felt like a cozy living room were Lord Shiva (Mahadev), Goddess Parvati, their children Lord Ganesh and Lord Kartikeya, and the ever-enthusiastic sage Narad Muni.

The atmosphere was light, filled with an air of anticipation, not unlike the eve of a celestial festival.

"Lakshmi Narayan ka prem ek baar phir iss shrishti ke liye aadarsh bani hai. Prem,samarpan aur vishwas ki ek nayi paribhasha sikhai hai."Mahadev, known for his profound yet occasionally cryptic wisdom, initiated the conversation with a twinkle in his third eye.("The love of Lakshmi and Narayan has once again become an ideal for this creation. It has taught a new definition of love, dedication, and trust")

"Sahi kaha Mahadev. Un dono ka bhaktibhav aur sevabhavi sabhi ke liye prerna ka stotra ban gaya hai." Goddess Parvati, with her inherent grace and wit, added.("You are right, Mahadev. Their devotion and service have become a hymn of inspiration for everyone.")

"Narayan Narayan! Oh, what a sight it will be! The moment they would be reunited, I bet the heavens would not be able to hold back their applause. Even the stars would twinkle a bit brighter, or so I like to think. It will be as if the universe itself will be rooting for them!"Narad Muni, unable to contain his excitement, chimed in.

"Imagine if every time we reunited with something we loved, a shower of modaks fell from the sky. The joy of reunion and delicious treats? Now that's what I call a heavenly celebration!" Little  Ganesha couldn't help but relate everything back to his favorite topic of food and sweets.

"Well, if it were up to me, every grand reunion would be marked with a fireworks show. Imagine, sparks flying, not just from the fireworks but from the hearts rekindling their love." Kartikeya added."

And why not, after all? It was after a very long period of utter desolation, that the divine celestial abode of the Supreme Lord of Universe, Vaikuntha, was radiant in its state.

Ksheer sagar, the milky ocean, was vibrating in sheer anticipation to witness the divine meeting of their Lord and Mata.

The lotuses, which had dulled and shriveled in the absence of their Swamini had once again revitalized in delight to welcome the God and his Goddess.

Even the Devas and Devis of Devlok were becoming extremely impatient to witness the long-awaited Milan of Lakshminarayan after such rigorous and heartbreaking sacrifice that they went through in their recent avatar on Prithvilok.

As the realm of Vaikuntha stired with anticipation, the divine abode of Lord Narayan prepared itself for an event of cosmic significance-the reunion with Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Narayan after a period of long separation.

The atmosphere was imbued with a sense of sacred jubilation as if the very essence of the universe aligned to facilitate this celestial union.

The skies of Vaikuntha, already a canvas of ethereal beauty, became colorful with more vibrant hues. Swirls of gold and azure blended seamlessly, reflecting the divine energies of Narayan and Lakshmi.

The air itself seemed to shimmer with the fragrance of divine flowers, sourced from the celestial gardens, each bloom radiating an unearthly glow, their scents a harmonious blend of serenity and bliss.

The waters of the Viraja River, bordering the realm, glistened more brightly than ever as if infused with the blessings of the divine couple. The river's gentle flow carried lotuses of unparalleled beauty, each petal shimmering with the light of a thousand suns, set adrift as offerings to the divine.

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