Chapter Five: Light's Out

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Harry ran through London as fast as he could toward the hospital. Night was approaching fast and he had hoped they'd let him in to see his mother before visiting hours were over.

If not, he'd find another way to get up to see her because if Lavender Hex abducted him again or if he happened to be killed when they did catch up considering they knew where he and his family lived, there would be no way he'd be able to talk Hex out of whatever terrible thing she'd come up with. Dead men tell no tales. She made sure of that.

Jinx provided helpful directions and Harry was grateful for the money, because at the end of the park, he saw a black taxi. It was better to stay out of sight in case Hex had sent the Calvary out to search for him. He opened the taxi and jumped in out of breath.

"N-Need to go to hospital. St. John's and Elizabeth Hospital. 60 Grover End Rd. Please hurry." Harry pleaded, throwing whatever cash he had taken from Jinx. "Keep the change."

The taxi nodded silently, pulling out into the busy streets.

"Got someone there do ya, lad?" The driver asked, his eyes momentarily going to Harry's frazzled and unkempt appearance. "Look a bit roughed up, mate. You doing alright are ya, yeah?" He asked, the ending of his sentence being a double negative. Guy definitely wasn't a native of London. His accent was too relaxed. If he had to guess, Harry would say he was a Yorkshire man.

Harry swallowed, looking out the window to make sure he wasn't being followed.

"My mum. Need to see her before visiting hours end. It's important." Harry replied, a tight knot forming in his stomach. He needed to see his mum because, he had a feeling the gang would already know where he was heading. His only hope was that they didn't beat him to the hospital because that wouldn't end well for anyone there.

"Alright, few more blocks yet lad. You'll make it, just cool your knickers down." The driver calmed, concerned for the man in back of him. The poor lad kept looking through the back and out the sides of the car like a tweaker hopped up on barbiturates.

Or a dog that just saw the vet building and was planning an escape.

"I'm as calm as I'm possibly gonna be mate, so keep driving." Harry gestured with a hurry up gesture.

"You got it. Just best hold on to something back there." He warned, pressing his foot on the accelerator.

The driver sped up, hooking a sharp turn on St John's Street before taking another turn onto Grover End Rd, stopping short in front of a dark long building that looked like it had been there for a few hundred years. Its design was timeless and Harry felt the ghosts of the old building pass through him as he jumped out of the taxi without so much as a thank you and entered into the inviting red door after dashing up the steps.

He shut the door with a loud clank, making the receptionist look up from her computer that she had been mindlessly tapping away on.

"I'm here for visitations. Need a pass. Last name Twist, first name Anne. She is in room 233." Harry said, walking up to the desk while the receptionist started writing down his information.

"What relation are you to Mrs. Twist?" She asked, gazing up into Harry's eyes unabashedly. She smiled; but it wasn't the normal sort of grin that he was used to seeing. Her mouth's upward curve seemed almost predatory and that made him on edge.

"I'm her son, Harry Styles. You need a middle name or...?" He asked, watching the woman eye him while writing his name on the visitor's pass.

"I already got your middle name from the sign in sheet earlier, sweetheart. Don't you even worry that gorgeous head about nothin'. You just go on and have a lovely visit with your mum, sugar." She replied, tearing off the paper and handing it to him. "Unfortunately, visiting hours are over in an hour but if you ask the nurse, I'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you some extra time."

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