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It's been a week and a half, making it July 10th

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It's been a week and a half, making it July 10th. I'll be meeting Zora soon at Zach's club in two days. It'll be cool, because he spends a lot of his own time there lately.

I think I start my period today or tomorrow, and I also think I'll die. I don't want it like at all.

I sit up in bed and call Diamond. She picks up quickly. "Hey, El! What's up?"

"Hi! What are you up to?"

"Making Dinner for Atlas and Kaden."

When Atlas met Diamond, he was at a low place. Diamond took both him and his brother into her house, and now D and Atlas are married. I've never even heard D complain about living with Kaden.

I take a deep breath. "I have to tell you something but you can't tell any of the guys. And when you hear about it yourself, you can't say that you knew."

"Taking you off speaker right now, wait." I hear shuffling for a minute. "Okay, there."

"Zora called," I blurted.

I hear clattering so I think she dropped her phone and then she screams, "What the fuck?!"

I hear a gush of wind so I assume she's picking her phone up. "Atlas, finish dinner. I have to talk to Nora in private." And then a door closes. "What'd she say?"

"I'm meeting up with her on Friday. At Zach's club."

I don't hear shock anymore, I hear anger, "That psycho might be setting you up, you know."

"She called me her sister-in-law," I mutter, starting to pace.

"Be safe, Nora. Okay?"

"Okay." And the phone clicks out.

Ximena's hand connects with my face quickly, causing a sting

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Ximena's hand connects with my face quickly, causing a sting.

All the thoughts leave my brain. "What the fuck?!"

"You were literally fucking daydreaming," she grumbles.

"That's what happens when you and your wife have the best sex of your lives every other day for a week and a half straight."

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