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welcome to Ritzo

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welcome to Ritzo.


Hi! I wanted to start this off by answering some questions and comments you guys had!!

Firstly, there is ZERO cheating between Zach and Nora in this book. Well, real cheating, I guess you can say.

Furthermore, I've read your complaints and totally agree with them all—most of them being about Zach's personality. Nora was started practically off of impulse but I have so many ideas, I can't NOT publish them.

Third of all, I'm just really really really super duper excited for you guys to see how much better my writing's gotten. I'm even more excited from you guys to witness how much #ZachNora had evolved. GOSH THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME TBHHH.

Moreover, this book is more about the mafia. It's a little less vile but more vile at the same time. There's more stuff, but the stuff is less intense!

Lastly, if you have any complaints, PLEASE be nice about it. Like I'm begging. There were so many times I wanted to cry over your guys' comments.

 There were so many times I wanted to cry over your guys' comments

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#1 : Please do not hate. I've said this already, but don't do it. You'd do nothing but make yourself look like a damn weirdo. If you have statements/suggestions, please, feel free to dm me, but don't be so aggressive!

#2 : PLEASE LEAVE IF SMUT TRIGGERS YOU !!!!! I'm not sure how much there will be yet being that there'll be a lot of other stuff going on, but it'll be there. I cannot tell you not to read if you're not 18+ because I'm not 18+ myself, but read with caution, loves. Thank you!

#3 : Don't be a silent reader! I love receiving and reading your comments so much.

#4 : Bambi means baby in Italian. I'm not calling her a deer. Don't start.

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