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My hands move quicker than my head

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My hands move quicker than my head. I hurriedly get my gun out of my Chanel purse and toss the purse down onto my marble counter.

I hold the weapon up at the man holding his gun at me.

I hear another gun click and quickly spin around, my arm still facing back toward the blonde.

Elevator woman.

Nice. Real freaking classy. I've been lied to. I don't like that.

"Zach," I murmur lowly.

"El," he whispers back.

She steps further into my house and steps over Zach, blocking him from my view.

"I should kill you just for making me walk up those steps," she threatens. "In heels, too. What would you do if someone did that to you?"

I roll my eyes. "I'd walk away like the mature woman I am." And then I step out of my heels, in hopes of rubbing it in her face.

I look down at my husband and smile, catching a glimpse of his face between her slutty little spread legs.

He smiles back and winks.

Is now a bad time to mention how hot he looks? His messy hair, sweats hanging below his v-line, and black shirt risen above his third row of abs. Jesus Christ.

"Stop smiling at her, Zachary," the girl says before giving my husband a small kick in his knee.

I'm going to ignore the fact she asked me what his name was on the elevator but just called him by it. I will always hate liars.

"Watch your feet," I bite.

The idea of anyone getting close to my husband gives me the biggest, weirdest, grossest feeling ever. I think that's called jealousy.

I think Zora's the only female I haven't side-eyed for touching Zach. Which, you know, is kind of weird.

Zach is a huge woman lover or whatever you wanna call it. Feminist? His entire life is his mother and I. His mother isn't even alive.

And I'm sure that if any other woman were to make him feel as loved as we have, they'd become his entire life as well.

Luckily, Zach is what most people would call a heartless psycho. Not most, but anyone who doesn't know him. Scratch that, everyone besides me.

With that being said, no one gets close to him.

"Possessiveness is so unattractive. I'm sure he's tired of you. Hell, I might even take over for you." The woman removes her left hand from her gun and squeezes my husband's arm with it.

Zach shifts away a little in discomfort. As he should.

Don't scream. Don't shoot. Don't hit. Focus, Nora.

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