Our children!!

Começar do início

Luffy: Chichi okay, shall we sleep together tonight?

Nami sighed when she heard his question. She was the one who started this, when she was feeling lonely in her room when Robin was on guard. She would go to Luffy's room and sleep in his lap. The best sleep she ever had was in Luffy's room, but she didn't want to do that again. The crew thinks they are lovers.

Nami: No, you'll be the one guarding the ship tonight.

Luffy: Mm, okay, but when will we sleep together again?

Nami: When I need you, I will be there for you. Okay.

Luffy: shishi, well, you can count on me when you need me.

Nami smiled again when she heard his words. Luffy was her best friend who she would run to when she was feeling afraid and terrified, and in his embrace she would find safety from the evils of this world. He was simply the most precious thing she had in this world. Her smile increased when she saw that Luffy had slept in the room. She placed her hand on his cheek and looked at him with a smile. She left him sleeping like this while looking at his face.

Nami: What was he trying to draw?

Nami took the paper and saw some inconsistent lines around each other. If someone who did not know saw them, they would say that these are children's drawings, but Nami knew Luffy as well as she knew herself. He had drawn them and himself with two small things. She tried to examine them, but did not really understand what this was. She placed the paper next to her and decided. She would ask Luffy later.

After a short while of staring at the sleeping Luffy, Nami followed him to sleep as well while sitting down. When night fell and it was time for dinner, Robin entered the room and smiled at the gentle attitude taken by her friends who did not know their feelings, slowly waking Nami up.

Robin: it's time for dinner.

In the blink of an eye, Luffy had woken up and ran to the kitchen screaming that he was hungry. Nami sighed and looked at Luffy, frowning slightly. She got up and followed him and Robin into the kitchen.

Robin: Fufu, it looks like the captain was severely beaten.

Nami: Yes, but I treated him.

They had dinner in the manner of cave dwellers and civilized people, and after the arguments between Luffy and Nami were over, Luffy went to guard and the rest went to sleep.

Luffy stayed in the observation room, looking at the stars with a smile while thinking about Nami.

Luffy: I really wonder what my kids will be likeI want a baby girl who has Nami's features

Luffy smiled at this idea and went to sleep. There is no need to worry when there is danger. He will sense it even while he is sleeping.

The same time with Nami in the room, sleeping with a smile, thinking about having a child in the form of Luffy

Nami: But who will I marry, I don't even know.

Nami got out of bed and looked beside her at Robin and found that she had gone into a deep sleep. She got up from the bed and took a blanket and went to Luffy. It seemed that sleeping with him a lot had made her uncomfortable when she slept alone.

When I went to Luffy's place and found him sleeping on the floor, I sighed for the hundredth time that day. How could he sleep like this in this cold? She approached him and made him sleep on his back. She lay down next to him and put her head on his chest and wrapped her hands around him and put the blanket on them and smiled and left. In a deep sleep, she just hopes that no one will come and see them in this intimate position

luffyxnami (one shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora