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Ignore the mistake


Author's Pov ✨🙋🏻‍♀️

'Omo! They are so cute, right honey.' Mrs Jeon awed and squeezes minji cheeks softly who snuggled shyly in his mumma torso Mr Jeon give nod with chuckled.

'Let them in jagiya! they must be tired after travelling.' Mr Jeon said she gasp and nod her head before apologize.

They sat in the living room Mrs Jeon gave them water and sat beside Mr Jeon.

'I prepared rooms you can fresh after relaxing a little bit.' Mrs Jeon said he nod nervously.

'Come on introduce yourself to your grandparent.' Jk encourage min and Eun before patting their shoulder a little bit.

'Myself Eunwoo.' Eun mumbled with shy smile they cood at him and look towards minji.

'Minji and I love teddy bear.' She said hiding her face in his mumma chest tae chuckled and caresses her hair.

'Really!!! Then I will buy lot's of teddy bears for my fluffy bear.' Mrs Jeon said giggling she gasped and looked at her.

'No! You can't buy my mumma cause he is a human and I already have him.' Minji said panicked they furrow Eun giggles seeing tae blush face.

'She is talking about mumma. He is her personal and favourite teddy bear.' He said and giggles with other he whined silently.

'Bubba ball.' Jk thought admiring him.

They talk for sometimes and went to fresh up in their room respectively.


'Mumma I will sleep with you cause im scared.' Min said when tae open door he chuckle and nod his head.

'Come inside my doe.' Tae mumbled and move aside she entered and lay on the bed directly he giggles.

'Did min like her new house?' Tae said before lay beside her she nod smiling.

'Oppa said it's feel like home. What does it means mumma?' Minji asked innocently he become speechless.

He totally forget about that feeling how does a home feel like he blink tears and smile.

'Where all the members care for each other, give respect to each other and most important loves each other no matter how wrong you are.' Tae said in whispered caressing her hair and staring at nothing she smile widely.

'Then, I too feel like a home mumma.' She said giggling and snuggled in his chest he hummed pulling her more closed.

Soon both drifted in slumber calmly after years...

Other hand Eun laid on the bed while staring on the ceiling wide open eyes a calm smile playing on his lip.

'Thank you for everything.' He whisper thinking about jk and closed his eyes.

... Some Days Later ...

'Excuse me I already divorce him also gave him alimony. I can even show u proof.' Choi Minjae said tae's ex-hus

'Why will he lie to me? Don't try to act smart Mr Choi and you also threated him.' Jk said coldly and told him tae's story he sighed in frustration.

'He will not lie to you but I'm sure his family feed him lot's of lies.' He said angrily jk furrowed and suspiciously looked at him.

'How can you be so sure?' Jk whisper he smile sadly.

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