Chapter 12 (Santo Cassano)

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Katerina POV

I woke up by a strange feeling.

I slept very well last night. After a long time I had such a good sleep.I woke up and looked to at the other side and saw that Kalix was gone.

I quickly check the time on the phone that Kalix gave me last night.Oh God! It's an iPhone. Who told him to waste so much money instead he could give me back my old phone.

He has less intelligence.
But that's not a big deal. The important thing is that it is now one o'clock in the afternoon.I was sleeping like a monster for so long.


I spoiled my impression on the first day.I looked around and saw the beautiful sunshine coming through the window but the window was closed.
Still it was very cold.I saw the temperature that was 14°c.

But I immediately felt something wet below me. I checked the date and it was what I was thinking. I got my periods.
That fucking periods.

Ahhhhhhh! What could be worse than this!

When I lifted the sheet over my body and looked down, everything was red.Wonderful!

When I remove the sheet from the whole bed, half the bed is red. Even Kalix's place is red too.

I fucked up.

I quickly went inside the closet and searched everywhere but could not find any pad or cup.

Wow, now I have to ask that ass for pads.
I wanna cry.
Without delay, I shouted his name loudly.

After few minutes, he came rushing towards our room.

He Opened it in hurry and came towards me quickly.

"What happened?is everything okay?" He asked.

"Can you give me something?" I asked.

"What?" He said.

"I got my periods, i need some pads or cups or tampons whatever you can bring...." I replied.

His face dropped. He grabbed my hand and said "come with me..."

I didn't say anything and did what he said.
He took me towards a room which was full of woman pads, tampons,cups, trimmers, pregnency testers etc. they were too many. Wow that's great.

I quickly took 5packs of pad and went towards our room.

I went to the bathroom and shower with warm water. The bathroom was filled with fog.

I felt a warm relief after showing. But after coming out of the bathroom it's cold again.
I wore some baggy and comfy clothes because I'm on my period.
My period cramps were getting worse this time. I had an incredible stomach ache.As I sat on the bed I saw Kalix entering the room.

"You were given a tour of the entire house last night! Why didn't you go to that room and get your essentials?" He asked immediately.

"I didn't pay any attention because I was pissed off because of some Cowardy Cassano!!" I said simply.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Nothing" I murmured.

"So you gave me a nickname now huh?" He said with a smirk."Then I should give you a nickname too" he continued.

"Hahaha no need!" I replied with disgust.

"Yes Il mio piccolo gatto(my little cat)" he said.

"What does that shit mean?" I said with a omg look.

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