Chapter 7 (The reveal)

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Katerina's POV

And my dad slapped me hard. It was hurting as hell. I don't fucking know why he did that. I was too weak to argue. When he hitted me I fell over Kalix's chest. His chest was hard and warm. I was feeling miserable so I hugged him (for the first time because I didn't hug him back that time). Tears filled my eyes, I couldn't control it.
It was the worst nightmare. I know that he noticed the pain in my eyes. I didn't say anything. His hug was making me feel protected. Protected from my father.

"What are you doing Sir?" Kalix asked Father.

"This is for the right!" Dad replied angrily.

"No this ISN' can you hit a woman?????are you serious sir? SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER.......YOUR HEIR...!why did you slap her?!" Kalix said while raising his voice.

I don't know why but I was literally crying so hard while hugging him.

"Because she disobeyed you!" Father said this and went away.

Seriously? Just because of him.... My dad slapped me. I'm injured as hell but still he hitted me.
I quickly pushed kalix, tears falling through my cheeks.

"I hate you!" I said with a broken voice, throwing his suit on his face.

"Listen Katerina -" I didn't let him finish and tried to run towards my room. I was too injured to even walk. It was hard to balance myself. The tears were continuously falling from my cheeks.

I saw Kalix was following me. So I quickly went to my room, shut the door in front of his face.
I was crying like crazy when I got inside.I couldn't even breathe. My whole body was aching.

I could hear him knocking repeatedly on the door.He keeps shouting my name. He was acting like a madman to hear my voice.

"Katerina, please don't do anything wrong, Just open the door or answer me that you're okay!!"" he was still shouting.
What the fuck does he thinks that I'm a suicidal person? Wow....

But the situation was worse than anything. I felt like I should've died.
I quickly went to the shower and took a cool bath.
After coming back from the shower I can still hear his breathing from the other side of my door.
Why is he still here? It's been more than an hour.

"Go, I'm not dead!" I said with a knock on my door to assure him.

After the body was feeling calm. I can feel the chest pain raising high. I realised that my breathing was not accurate. I started panicking. I couldn't see anything well. I rushed to my drawer and took my inhealer. It was a good relief.
But I'm feeling like I'm alone.
In this fucking world.
I should die.
Hey God,,,,,why this always happens to me?Am I that bad? Do I deserve this? Why do you hate me this much??
I feel like useless.
But tried to help him. I just don't want to live a life under someone's order.

This would be least thing i would like to do in the world.

I don't know why..... but tears started to gather in my eyes again.... I cried out as hell to make myself sleep.......

*After waking up in the evening*

I woke by a strange headache. I realised that I slept on the floor. I looked from the window that it was almost night. I sat in front of the couch in my room. I don't know what I was thinking but I was absolutely zoning out.
I saw a beautiful blue butterfly came through the window into my room. It was flying freely. I was looking at it, it was so peaceful. It quickly came towards me and sat on my lips.

Suddenly I smiled a little. Don't know why but actually I do know. This butterfly reminded me of Song kang.


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