Chapter 5 (Friend or villain?)

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Katerina's POV

"I can't wait to shoot her!" Amelie said with a sigh.

"Umm.. let's not talk about Patrizia!" I said while giving a disgusting look.

"Why not?!" Adan asked me.

I dont know from when Adan is listening to our conversation.

"Excuse me can I join you guys?" Adan asked in hesitation.

"Yessa!!of course whyy nott!!!" Amelia exclaimed with joy.

I don't know why she is so much exited.

"Yep" I said simply.

"So I don't know anything about Patrizia,and Kalix or Haze no one is telling me about her!! I want to know who the hell she is?!" Adan continued.

Actually Adan is really cute plus handsome. And the way he requested us to tell him about Patrizia is making him more attractive. He knows how to respect girls unlike Kalix and Haze.

"Umm...Ame just tell him who the hell is Patrizia, I want to shower so I'm going upstairs bye." I said while standing up.

"No worries!" Amelie replied quickly grabbing Adan's hand.

"So we know Patrizia when we were in seventh grade.........................." I heard Amelie telling Adan.


Only a perfect shower can help me to reduce stress. But what should I do about Patrizia. The Americans , my mafia's enemy, my enemy,And my infinite hate for her. First we(me and Amelie)thought that our friendship will be best for our mafia's but we will never forget the betrayal she did to us. I will kill her when I get the chance. We made her close to us in a short time but she was actually a snake. No one can hate her the way we do.From the time of high school until now. She is an actual bitch.
We both hate each other. She betrayed us by choosing the Italians (Kalix,Haze) over us. I told her how much I hated them but she still hurted me. She has hurted Amelie and Bella. I'll never fucking forgive her. I want to torture her till death. Now I don't know why my father is doing this again'....... First Kalix and now Patrizia....
I just don't know.

*After shower*

Now I'm feeling good.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!what the FUCK!" I shouted in shock.

After coming out of the bathroom I saw Kalix sitting on the couch in my room.

"What are you doing here?" I went to the bathroom again and covered my body through the bathroom door and jagged him.

"I wanted to talk about Patrizia," he replied.

"Just go to hell, and don't fucking enter in my room or try to touch my things without my permission!!!!!! Just get the hell out piece of shittttt!!! you fuckerrr!!!You son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!jerkkkkk!!!bloodyy punkkkk!!!BASTARDDD!!!" I yelled as I grabbed whatever was around me and threw it at him........

He left hurriedly.

What the hell. Is he a idiot? Does he not know that he should not enter a girl's room without asking?. I'm never going to talk to that coward.
Thank god I was not naked.

Today I'm going to kill him.

After wearing the clothes, I immediately went downstairs but did not find him. Adan told me that he went out for some kind of business and will return at 7PM maybe with Patrizia.

Wow now two bitches are coming in my area together....

*At 7 PM*

I was eating my pastry which Stefan gave me. It was so yummy, I was loving it. suddenly I heard the sound of doorbell. Adan went to open the door.

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