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Author's Pov ✨🙋🏻‍♀️

'Have this later, I didn't call you here for cookies.' Tae said nervously jk nod while munching cookies and said.

'I'm nervous too.' Jk said mouthful of cookies he gave him so done look and sighed hopelessly.

'You continue without any fear I will hear you without judging.' Jk said he nod his head and sat on the floor jk furrow and sat beside him.

'What are you doing?' Tae asked with confusion 'Sitting so, I can hear you properly.' Jk mumble and gulped the cookies he nod.

They are sitting in the living room in Kim mansion. Tae called him 2nd day and jk present here in blink.

'What if you will regret in future.' Tae voice out he hummed in reply while thinking same.

'I don't know.' Jk mumbled truthfully tae smile sadly with slow nod.

'But I never regret in my whole life whenever I took decision for myself same goes to this. I will not regret it.

If you want I can write in papers.' Jk said tae smile widely and kept lot's of paper on the glass desk jk furrowed.

'Our thoughts are similar. You don't have to do that look I already made some rules.' Tae said giggling jk thin lip parted in shock while looking at the papers.

'Some rules?' Jk whispered while took the papers and count pages tae smile and nod his head vigorously.

'Are you kidding me Taehyungshi? It have 20 pages and there are lot's of rules written not some.' Jk said his smile wipe out.

'Do you have any problem and you did not even read the rules. I made equall rules not for me only.' Tae said blankly he grin sheepishly and start reading it

'I have no problem I don't like study that's it.' Jk mumbled while reading tae made an O shape on his lip.

'Don't say this infront of my babies.' He said more like warned him he giggles.

Our babies- jk mumbled

Not yet- tae said fake smile.

Soon - jk said firmly and read the rule.

'You are so childish.' Jk giggling while reading the rules he furrow and want to hit him but control his urge to beat him.

'What if you fall for me and don't like my whxres or girlfriend and boyfriend

And demand me to leave them but its too late I am addicted to them.' Jk said looking at him blankly tae blinked his eyes and looked up at jk top to bottom and cancel the rule jk smirk mentally.

'So, i've chance. Obviously who will resist my charm' Jk thought admiring him with soft gaze and smile.

'If we live in seperate room it will affect on our babies and will thought that we aren't ideal couple and they will treat the same with their partners.' Jk said tae gasped and wide his eyes and he cancel that rule too.

'We will pretend ideal couple infront of them only. You will sleep on the couch.' Tae mumbled.

'Do you think I will fit on the couch.' Jk asked while raising his an eyebrow he looked at him thoroughly shook head.

'I will sleep then.' Tae whispered sadly

'I will not let my wife sleep on couch.' Jk mumbled and start reading other rules tae looking everywhere expect him.

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