Announcing the pregnancy

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The girls were in the car when they heard guns attacking somewhere. Celeste looked down at her stomach holding it as she looked to see the driver. Noises all around them made her anxiety go up. She took steady breaths to breathe in and out hoping that none of her family would get hurt. Suddenly Han came down from the top with Mia as they started to fight. The man was vulnerable, so Elle and Celeste dead legged the man for Han. But he wasn't successful, but Mia was able to get the driver out. He through a bomb and the guy said that he was gonna get us all killed. Celeste looked at the lever and said, "Not all of us." The guy fell out of the vehicle making Han shout. Han quickly released Elle and Celeste as the two girls hugged Han. "I'm having a boy." Han and the girls smiled. "I'm naming him after you Han." The two hugged.

They met up with Dom and Letty as they drove to Jakob. Celeste gasped seeing Jakob fighting another man. Dom and Letty went to the front of the car and smashed into it. Making the back rise made the group stare. Jakob jumped as Mia held Jakob's hand helping him up. Celeste hugged Jakob as he apologized. Jakob then got onto the car and drove off. They made it to the mountains where everything happened so quickly. Celeste and Mia watched their brothers talk. Noah walked over hugging his girl as they watch the Toretto Man talk. The two girls walked hand in hand over to their brothers. Giving them a group hug. For the first time in forever the Toretto children are hugging making Celeste sniffle. Jakob looked down at Celeste and said, "I lost you once. Don't let that happen again, okay?" Celeste nodded. Looked at her sibling and back at her husband. "I'm pregnant with a boy and I am naming him Han Jakob Toretto."

The Toretto siblings watch their sibling leave as Dom held his sisters. After arriving home Noah and Celeste had a seat down and told Letty and Dom that they weren't having anymore missions. Little B, Estelle and Little Dom were all playing. Noah and Celeste were just enjoying the time they had before going back to buy their new home. Celeste getting emotional as Little B started to say his prayer. "Wait, there's an empty chair." Mia assured her that the person was coming. Celeste looked at the house and all her memories were flooding back.

Happy that this part of her life is only beginning and ending. 


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Thank you guys for following my Celeste Toretto stories. I appreciate all the love and support. I want to thank VixenQueen18 for being the biggest supporter for my stories.

Live Fast and Furious guys.

Aren Hufflepuff out!

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