Han's Home

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Mia and Celeste were walking up some stairs. Celeste opened the door and walked in. They walked inside an apartment building and started to look around. Celeste walked around to see a photo. She grabbed it and called Mia over. "Han never mentioned a girl, not ever. Even when we talked after Gisele's death." All the sudden lights around them turned on and they turned to see a girl. Suddenly the girl brought her gun out and started shooting at them. But men were around them making the girls fight alongside each other. Suddenly Mia fell out of the apartment with one of the men. Celeste looked out to see the men getting sniped at from somewhere. Celeste dropped from the window and walked up to Mia. "You, okay?" Mia nodded. They looked toward the direction of the sniper and Celeste tried to look closer. She gasped seeing Han making her tear up.

"Han." Han walked over to Celeste giving her a hug. "I've missed you Cel." Celeste started to sob. "Tell me what's happened since we talked. "Well, I'm married and have three beautiful children. One more on the way." Mia was shocked to hear this and Han smiled. "Shall we go to our family?" The girls nodded, and they grabbed a plane back to where their family are.

They arrived back at the place. Celeste and Han were holding hands walking back to the hideout. "Nice clubhouse." Han said. Everyone was shocked to hear Han's voice as Noah looked to his girl with another man. He got protective when Han said, "This must be the man that story my honorary sister's heart." Noah looked at Celeste and said, "You're Han Lue. I've heard so much about you." Han looked at Celeste making her shy. The whole group hugged Han making Mia and Celeste smile. "So, you got my postcard, huh?" Han asked. The two of them hugged. Celeste smiled at her brother figure and father. Then she looked over to see someone's face and it was her older brother Jakob.

The crew were enjoying each other's company. "I'm just still trying to figure out... How are you still alive?" Roman asked. "Well, after Gisele died... I didn't know what to do. I was aimless. Lost." Celeste said, "Absolutely. But can you get to the part where the car exploded and you're still alive?" Han looked at Celeste and told the crew the full story and talked about how he met the girl. The girl talked about her family and how she and Han met. "But you got killed in that crash Han." Celeste said. "Mr. Nobody had a way of making things look real." Han said to Celeste. 


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