2024 Writing Challenge Update

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I am considering changing this challenge to be less about publishing and more about actual writing.

First of all, the 800-1000 words a day published is quite the challenge, especially when I am not feeling well or just uninspired or hitting a block. However, writing 1000 words a day without having to worry about posting it is much more enjoyable and do-able (I've already written 144,050 words so far this year).

The problem is that the accountability that posting daily gives me helps me stay motivated and also helps to keep my quality higher.

So this is a double-edged sword.

One possible solution I've come up with is to write 366,000 total words by the end of the year, but instead of these random parts of stories or ideas I have I instead want to focus on putting out one update a week for an actual book on Wattpad. That way I can have more freedom with writing daily and also still have a posting goal to motivate me without suffocating me at the same time.

The posting word count goal would be an at least 1000 word chapter that is added to my current story once a week on Sunday.

My personal yearly word count goal would be 1000 words per day or 366,000 words.

Honestly I really like this idea and I hope you stay tuned for my updates. I am excited to see what I can do!

I hope you understand, like I have over the years, that goals, much like people, need to change at times, or morph to fit our ever changing lives. Just because you hit a roadblock doesn't mean you should give up, it just means you need to switch some variables of the goal up to better align with your life.

I wish you luck with your yearly goals. We can do this!

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