Birthday Girl

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"Happy Birthday," he blows a kiss at her from where he lies on the island countertop of their shared apartment positioned in that 'paint me like one of your french girls' meme, wearing only an apron that is far too small for his muscular body.

"It's too early for your shit," she says, walking past him and to the kitchen sink to get some water. It was 6am, the sun has yet to rise, and he's out here butt ass naked with his shenanigans. I don't care if it's my birthday-

"I made you breakfast," he says, hopping down from the counter. "And baked you an apple pie." That makes her stop.

"Granny smith apples?" she asks.

"Of course," he says, offended. "What do you take me for? An amateur?"

She smiles before walking up to him and hugging him. He returns the embrace. Okay, maybe she could put up with a few of his shenanigans. That doesn't mean she can't ask him what the hell he's doing.

"Hey Johnny," she asks. "Why the hell are you naked?"

He buries his face into her neck and whispers, "I just thought you'd like the view. Was I wrong?"

"Not at all." She grabs his bare ass with both hands and he moans loud right into her ear. He pushes her away and stumbles back, covering his mouth in shock, his face bright red.

"Rita," he whisper screams. She glances down at where a tent has begun to form under the apron. He looks down and quickly covers his groin with his hands, turning away from her.

"Rita," he groans.

"What? You're not the only one that can flirt." She smirks and sends a wink his way while blowing a kiss.

She walks over and takes a seat at the small table.

"Obviously you can flirt," he gestures at her up and down with one hand, the other still covering his privates. "It just caught me off guard."

"I guess so. I've never heard you make noises like that before," she teases.

"Please stop. If you want breakfast and pie, please stop."

"Fine." she concedes, raising up her hands in surrender. "I don't like it when you threaten me with pie."

She watches as her best friend as he serves up her breakfast with a huge wedge of pie on the side. It was probably a quarter of the pie. She smiles wide as he places it in front of her. "Enjoy birthday girl."

"Thank you," she says genuinely. "This is wonderful."

He takes a seat beside her. "What do you want to do today?" he asks before taking a big bite of his bacon, ham, and cheese omelet.

"You," she says between bites, as if it was nothing.

He chokes on his food, and she laughs.

After a few gulps of water, he finally replies, "well, that can be arranged."

She punches his muscular arm and takes another bite. He smiles at her.

"I honestly just want to spend the day with you," she says.

"Movie?" he asks.

"Netflix and chill?" she clarifies with a wink.

"What is going on with you today?" he asks in awe. "You never flirt this much."

She shrugs. "Seeing you all hot and bothered like this just brings out a different side of me."

"I should wear my birthday suit more often then," he jokes.

"If you do, we might have to add a 'with benefits' to our title," she says, stuffing a big bite of pie in her mouth.

"Or we could skip straight to marriage," he suggest finishing off his omelet, "were basically an old married couple already."

She takes a second to check him out, as if seriously considering his proposal. He stands and does a little spin, stopping to stick out his butt at her. She seizes the opportunity to slap it. He jumps about 5 ft forward in shock. Turning back to look at her in utter shock.

"Am I just a nice ass to you?" he asks, faking offence.

"Of course not," she says. "Your the sexy man attached to that nice ass." she smiles.

"You think I'm sexy?" he asks, walking closer to where she sits.

"Did you think I was friends with you for your personality? God no, but you're nice on the eyes."

"I could also be nice on-" she pinches his thigh before he can finish that sentence. He screams so high his voice cracks.

She burst out laughing. She laughs so hard she falls out of her chair. It takes her a good 4 minutes to stop laughing and by the end she's laying on her back wiping her tears. "God I love you," she says, trying to keep her giggles down.

"I love you too," he says so seriously it makes her sit up and look at him. Really look at him. He's leaning against the island, his face a mix of emotions. Could he-? No, surely not.

"Why'd you say it like that?" she asks, an awkward chuckle leaving her. "It almost makes me think you meant it as more than a friend."

Silence as he looks away from her. No way.

"What if I did mean it as more than a friend?" he pushes off from the counter and walks to her, slowly. "What if I've fallen completely and utterly in love with you?" He stops a few feet away from her before kneeling right beside her on the floor.

He reaches out to caress her face and she can't think, yet her mind is overflowing with thoughts, questions.

"What if I want more?" he brushes his thumb over her lips, his eyes locked on her lips. "What if I want you?"

She doesn't know when or what happens between that moment and the next, but somehow she ends up on top of him, kissing him.

It feels good. It feels right. Her heart is pounding as he rolls her over so she's on her back, her hands running through his short hair.

She'd loved him for the longest time, it was hard to believe this was real. This is the best birthday gift she could've ever dreamed of. It was better than apple pie.

The End.

February 6, 2024

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