I have a spot

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                                                                        Mathews POV

Do I deserve to be this happy?

Those words were what I woke up too.

The following night was quite eventful, I just love the way my name just comes out of her lips... those lips God I wanted to place mine on them she was one feisty vixen. After the whole shabang that happened at the restaurant I saw her differently from the shy girl at my professors office to the wild beast that wanted to climb over the table.

But is it a road I want to walk on, my mind says yes but my heavy heart says otherwise.

With a sigh I got out of bed to get ready for the day.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a quick sandwich then was gonna hit the road.

I was making my way to the front door when my father stopped me half way through.

"Matt! Son...come to my office."he yelled peeping his head through his office door.

"Can't now, maybe later." I responded

"Office now!!" He roared

Here we go again.

I walked down our long hallway and made my way into his office.


"I'm good, I'm in hurry."

"Mathew sit your butt down!"

I did as I was told.

"Have you thought about what I told you?"

"Yes and My answer remains the same."

He sighed, sat back on his chair glaring at me.

"So your going to throw away all my hard work and waste your life away like you did these last few years!" He said throwing his pen on his table.

"I beg your pardon ... I'm sick and tired of you trying to push your dreams onto me!"

I said slightly raising my voice and getting up from my chair.

"Don't you raise your voice at  me I am still your father."

" and I am not your only son!!!"

I said making my way out of his so called office.

I saw my mother on my way out but didn't bother to say anything just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. It's the same old thing every time.

I entered my car and drove around the neighbourhood, I still had an hour left before my meeting with Kelani, so I had time to cool off.


She decided to meet up at Ronvils old library which was a one of my good spots to study back in the days.

I took the seat closest to the window, took my bag and brought out my laptop.

"Hey. You beat me to it."

"Hey. What do you mean?" I gave her a confused look.

"I wanted to be the first one here."

"Ohhh ok... can we start?I responded coldly didn't mean too but I guess I didn't blow off all the steam from this morning.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." She retorted sitting in front of me.

"What is your major?" I asked plainly ignoring her statement.

"Interior designs."

And that's how we started our meeting she answered every question I threw at her and Vice versa.

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