The meeting

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                                                                           Kelani POV 

I'm currently standing right outside Mr Felix office, I could already hear voices from the other side. With a a faint knock I entered the room.

As I closed the door shut I was greeted with the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes it didn't occur to me that I was still standing by the door dumb struck

"Ahummm!" mr Felix cleared his throat.

Was I staring OMG that's sooo embarrassing

"Miss Andrew is nice to meet you please take a seat."

"The pleasure is mine." I responded taking a seat next to mr hunk.

"This is Mathew and Mr Clover this is Kelani."

Mathew extended his hand to shake mine and there was a sudden spark, you know like all those stupid romantic movies. Was I the only one feeling this electric current coming from our joined hands.

I couldn't really tell from his cold demeanour. He retrieved his hand from mine and we both placed our attention to mr Felix.

"And that's pretty much it , I'll send the rest of the details via email. Good luck kids."

Mathew said his thanks got up and I was following behind but he closed the door right in my face.

Wow that's minus one right there, he didn't even have the courtesy to keep the door open for me. Well actually he doesn't have to but to shut it in my face thats a big red flag.

I reopened the door, heading straight to the entrance of the campus awaiting my best friend to pick me up.

She had offered me a ride cause my car decided not to start this morning arggghhh!

I was so deep in thought about my car That I didn't notice the voice calling out my name.


I turned and saw those same blue eyes from just a few min ago.

"Uhhh sorry! Yeah."

"Can I have your number or email so we can have a form of communication?" He asked with that sexy deep voice.

"Oh.. yeah sure." He handed me his phone and I placed my number in it.

"And thats mine." My phone suddenly started ringing. It was him so saved his number as well.

"When would you like to meet up?" He asked me his gaze never leaving mine.

"Ummm... I don't have classes on Friday, I have work tho but my shift ends by 4pm would that be okay?" Was he looking at my lips? Or was that all in my head "Yea....shit cant I have somewhere to be."

Honnnkkk!!! Honnkkkk!!

I turned to see Lola's gold Honda.

"Ummm I need to ride is here."

"How about the weekends"he said.

"That's fine by me, just text me when and where." I said walking backwards to the car, he nodded his head in agreement.

I didn't even get to wear my seatbelt when Lola bombarded me with questions.

"Girl who in the Greek god is that?" Lola asked way to loudly. "Tell me everything and leave no details." I rolled my eyes , she could be so dramatic at times.

"His name is Mathew Clover he's who I'm being paired with."

"Wait a min did you just say Clover? Like the Clovers?!" She exclaimed "Uhhh yeah? Who are they?" I asked curiously.

"They literally own almost all the Hotels in

Portville, they are like mega rich! Kelani honey you have hit the jack pot." She turned to me for a brief second smirking.

"First of all I didn't hit no jack pot and second of all I am not interested in dating a rich guy."

Not ever again that is.

I've done my fair share of dating and I can tell you for a fact that I have bad luck when it comes to men.

I once dated a rich guy and when I say he was a control freak he WAS A FUCKING CONTROL FREAK and I detest men like that.

"He may be different." Lola said parking in front of my house.

"Mm mm ... helll to the naaaa!" I unbuckled my seat belt and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Lo"


I shut the car door

"Atleast think about it !!" She yelled as she drove off, leaving with the last word, typical Lola.


After I was done taking a shower I heard a ping from my phone, decided to check the notification and saw a text.. from him.

{ Will Saturday be okay with you?}

( That's fine by me, where and what time?) and send.


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