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Kelanis POV

"I hope this isn't a I feel sorry for you kiss."

"No" he breath out , he grabbed onto my waist and placed me on top of him. He groaned and I gasped out "Matt!."

"Yeah?" He said caressing my leg up and down and slid to grab my ass.

I'm sure glad I decided to wear this sun dress. We both gazed at each other his light blue eyes turned dark and dilated which meant I wasn't the only one who's been feeling this sexual tension between us.

Matt started moving me by pulling and pushing me signalling me to grind on him.

Atleast that's how I took it, so I took over and began grinding on his groin a bit faster.

"Fuck!" He groaned and we continued kissing which turned out to be a full blown make out session, our tongues were doing a little tango fighting for dominance which he won.

Mathew broke the kiss and continued his assault on my neck.

"Kelly...please *kiss* tell me ... *kiss*tell me to stop." He said each word in a moan.

"I .. I don't want you too." I said in the same manner.

Like that was the last straw,Matt groaned and turned me to my back.
I was so distracted by the neck kissed that I didn't notice when or how he reached there without my knowledge but he inserted a finger no! two fingers inside of me. "Ohh my gosh."

"You're so fucking wet Kelly. Is that all for me?"

"oh my... Matt it's to much!"

He started pumping his fingers even faster.

When all of sudden when I was on the verge of cumming we heard a noise coming from the bushes.

We both stopped and turned our heads towards it and whoosh a small deer appeared.

"Oh it's just Bambi" I said with a sigh.

"You named the deer ?" He said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah." I said turning back towards him with a smile.

"We should go it's getting late ." He said without even looking at me

"Ummm.. okay?"

He placed me down gently and began packing our stuff .


He parked the car right in front of my house and waited for me to leave.

"Sooo is this the part where you say it was  all a mistake."

"I didn't... I wasn't thinking."

"Gotcha."I said getting out the car and shutting it.

I heard the car engines starting and the sound of him driving away. I cleared the disappointing or sad look from my face and opened the front door dashing straight to my room.

"Kelani? Would you be a dear and help me out with the dishes!"

"Sure ma!.. I just want to take a quick shower and a power nap."

"Okay honey."

I entered my room and dialled Lola's number

"Heyyyyyy girl!! How was it!"

"I told you so."

"What happened?"

I started narrating the entire day to her.

"Hold on sec.... you have an entire secret garden and you haven't shown it to me yet  wooooooowwww! I thought I was special..." she faked cried

"Really Lola is that all you took from that?"

"Yes that and the fact that I'm gonna lose my job if he ever enters the dinner. I will beat him up latinaaaa style." We both laughed hysterically.

"But on a serious note what are you going to do?"she asked me as our laughter died down.

"I don't know probably avoid him or something."

"What about the project."

"Yeah true... I'll just keep things professional and send emails instead."

"Hmm.. okay if that's what you want to do I have your back."

"Thanks Lola, I feel much better."

"Anytime!! I'm always gonna be there for you." She sang the last bit.

"Thanks... how are things with you and Steve?"

So remember  my good friend Steve from college yeah him ,we had a study session at the dinner once and boy the moment he laid eyes on her he was striked by Cupid's arrow. I don't blame him she is a beauty. She kinda looks like Sofia Vergara, they have a striking resemblance both body and face but  Lola's face is slightly rounder than the famous actress.

"Pretty good, he asked me to move in with him last night."

"Okay? And  why don't you sound happy about it."

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

" I don't know! Aren't we moving to fast, what if the way he feels about me changes... you know... I snore pretty loud." She said with a slight chuckle

"Girl!! You can't be serious! I joined in and we bursted out laughing.

"I see the way he looks at you and he is smitten he loves you."

"You're right... OKAY then I'm moving in with him!"She screamed.

"That's sounds much better!"

"Oh yeah Lani."


"Come over tomorrow. Your gonna help me pack."

"What a way of asking."

"I wasn't asking you I was telling you." She said with a giggle.

"Will be the first thing you see when you wake up. Okay Lola got to go help mom with the dishes love you byeee!!"

"Okay. Okay. Love you toooo byeeee! Wait!! Was he a good kisser tho."she giggled

"Oh my gosh!! BYE LOLA!" I said ending the call.

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