♬ her name was alice!♬ (1925 AU)

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When alice was 25, she worked as a showgirl at a popular bar a few blocks away from her apartment to make some money. It being only 1925, there was a lot of violence in this particular bar. She was always worried to let her lover, oliver, go to the bar to watch her due to this violence. Other men may get jealous of him and try to hurt him. Alice was a great preformer, she loved her job, like any showgirl would. She was praised and loved daily, and made a solid amount.

However, one day... She thought she would let Oliver come see her performance. She thought "what could go wrong?" As she made him promise not to mention how they have been lovers for a while now to ANYONE when at per performance. But apparently, someone already knew about this endeavor, amd knew it was his time to take Alice as his own. This man was Daniel. Daniel had known alice since he was a young boy, and had always loved her, but alice always turned him down.

Daniel came to the bar at this specific day, and was shown to his seat, and watched alice dance.

When her performance was over, he called alice over... But took his flirting a bit too far, and oliver ran over.

Punches were thrown, chairs broken in two,

A single gunshot was fired.

Everyone turned and stared, in shock, at the bloody body of Oliver on the ground, Alice and Daniel standing over it.

It had now been about 20 years after this incident. The bar was turned into a disco, Alice got fired, and she had developed drinking problems to cope with the loss of her lover.  Of course, this didnt help at all... But its all she had to help slow the loss of her mind along with her lover and youth.


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