☆you shine brighter than any star, my dear.☆

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Mister demi and missus sasha were walking to an ice skating rink together, in their big puffy coats and mittens. They both loved the cold, and bonded over a love for ice skating and snow. It was somewhat dark out, bring just past 7PM, the sun had set and the stars were bright and shining out,  demi pointed up with his free and, holding sasha's hand in the other, at his favorite constellation, Orion's belt.

Demi: "sasha, look up!"

Sasha looked up and saw the constellation, it was more clear than she had ever seen it before.

Sasha: "That's your favorite, right?"

Demi nodded his head.

Demi: "Yeah! Orion's belt,  I really like it, it stands out fron the rest because its made up of three stars, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Together theyre bigger than the sun, and it makes the constellation stand out so much more. I think its beautiful."

Sasha smiled, she always liked listening to demi rant about space. For being a music teacher, he was very interested in science and the universe. She stayed silent and rubbed her thumb on Demi's hand.

Demi: "a lot of constellations are actually very interesting if you look really close, most being made up of many smaller stars, and one or two bigger, more important ones. I- I mean, all stars are important! But, i mean... They more apparent ones, more noticeable, you know?"

Sasha giggled at him defending the smaller stars.

Sasha: "yes, i know what you mean, honey. All stars are equally important."

Demi: "you know, not all stars are up in the sky."

Sasha: "hmm? What do you mean?"

Demi: "im standing right next to one right now."

Sasha laughed, Demi wasnt ever really the best at compliments, but he did his best, and she loved it.

Sasha: "thank you, my dear."

She stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek, and they continued walking to the ice skating rink.


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