There I am! There I am again!...⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ

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TW: slight mention of suicide, Disturbing descriptions, and gore.

Claire was walking through a forest she had found herself in, trying to reach the way out. It seemed endless, she couldn't find any way out, it was as if she was directly in the middle of a never ending maze. She found a small abandoned cabin, it had spiderwebs and termite nests all around the outside, covered in vines and moss, she walked up onto the raised porch and entered the small, cottage-like home. It was disgusting, the floor was covered in rats, animal feces, and dead leaves. She looked around and saw a desk, it was covered in pens and pages with panicked, frantic writings of terror and pleas for help. She walked over and picked up a few papers, reading over them whilst shaking, but her shaking wasn't just from the cold now, the writings and themes within the writings were chilling, could send a chill down the spine of even the most brutal serial killers. Quoting;

"I dont know if i can make it much longer. Its watching over me and i cant get it to go away. It says its name is -------- but i find that hard to believe. To whomever finds these notes, leave quickly. Its watching, and it WILL see you. Please, for your own sanity, leave. I am writing this letter as a sort of suicide note, last words, if you will. I wish you the best of luck in leaving with your sanity. And remember, dont let #$-_;)# see you."

Huh... The names were scribbled out.. was this intentional? Did someone...
Did something not want you to know its name?

In the midst of her thoughts, Claire heard shuffling behind her. She turned around to see a tall, void black figure with tentacles sticking out of its back and deep red eyes. She screamed, took the papers and notebook and ran. She ran out of the cabin quicker than she had ever ran before.

Then, when she had thought she escaped it, she saw the creature floating infront of her.

She ran the other way, and again, there it was.

She turned around and tried to run, but this creature grabbed her with one of its tentacles and pulled her multiple feet up in the air. Claire's skin was slowly torn as the creature tapped her arm, dead flowers and vines sprouting out of her ruptured veins, mould developing on the now rapidly decomposing skin, she stared up in horror at the creature infront of her.

The creature smiled down at her and threw her at a nearby tree, and the creature disintegrated into nothing infront of Claire's eyes.

Claire gasped for air, but her body had been fully taken over by the dead plants. She now lay against the tree, looking like nothing but a cluster of dead flowers.

Maybe next time, Claire.


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