"Which one?" I teased. "Drew? Drewzy? Sexy Beast?" I threw in. Andrew snorted into his ice cream and started coughing. The worry only registered in my heart for a moment before he quickly regained his composure.

"Thanks," he breathed. "Drew's good," he responded, even though we both knew I didn't need the clarification.

"I kind of like Sexy Beast though," I responded, not sure where this cheekiness was coming from. Andrew laughed again. He set down his ice cream, placed one hand on my thigh, then leaned in and softly kissed my lips. There was assurance in this kiss. There was no hint of hesitation or weakness in the loving gesture. It took me a moment to regain enough composure to lightly place one hand on the side of his neck, not wanting to be too forceful because I knew he wouldn't tell me if I was hurting him.

"Mm," he stated once we leaned back from each other. He took my hand in his, then kissed the back of it. "I'd have to say, hospital room aside, this is one of the best dates we've been on." I looked for the sarcasm or the joke in his expression, but there was none to be found. The confusion must have been evident on my face because he continued, "We're being completely and fully open with each other. I see you. The real you. And I know you want to do everything you can for me. To feel so loved, so treasured, so wanted... you're the best," he breathed.

"I'm not sure about being the best, but you definitely make me want to be better. I need to keep up with you," I responded in all honesty. Andrew kissed my hand again, and I lightly stroked his cheek. After another moment, I nodded at his ice cream. "You don't want it turning to soup now, do you? I'm not sure I can convince Ella to make a second run." Andrew chuckled once more, and we both resumed eating our ice cream, stealing furtive glances at each other as if we were on our first date. It made me giddy and, for a while, I forgot where we were.

We finished our ice cream, and I made sure everything was properly and thoroughly cleaned up. I wasn't going to give any bugs, germs, or any other little creature a free meal and invitation to get anywhere near Andrew. After cleaning up, I simply sat next to his bed again. I started humming as I cleaned up, and once I was finished and sitting next to Andrew, he asked, "Can you sing something for me?" I smiled. I loved singing for him.

"Any particular request?" I inquired. I wished I had my guitar to play for him as well.

"Whatever it is you were humming," he indicated. I smiled at him and began singing "Safe and Sound", the version by Kurt Hugo Schneider playing in my mind as I sang it for the amazing man in front of me. After I finished singing it, I let a small tear escape. It was Andrew who always made me feel safe and sound. The one who chased away my demons after Ivan. I hoped I did the same for him.

"I want you to listen to this song," Andrew stated, pulling out his phone and looking for a song on his music app. "Love Like This" by Ben Rector. I smiled as I listened to the lyrics. It was such a sweet love song. "I'd sing it for you, but I think the message gets across better when I leave the singing to the professionals," Andrew stated, looking at me guiltily.

"You don't have to sing for me," I pointed out.

"I ask you to do it for me all the time," Andrew retorted.

"Yeah, but I like singing for you. And you do things for me that you love doing all the time. Like singing my praises, and making me feel like the most wonderful person to ever exist, even though we both know that's not true," I reminded him.

"But you are the most wonderful person to ever exist. At least, the most wonderful to me," Andrew insisted. He was too perfect sometimes. "Come on," he encouraged, making room for me on his bed.

"You really should get your rest, Drew," I stated, using his nickname for his sake. I wasn't sure why he cared so much when I said it. It was the nickname almost everyone else used with him.

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