Chapter 4: Realization

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(Noah POV)

          After that long ass week of ISS me and Lacey have honestly gotten pretty close surprisingly. She's honestly a cool person I learnt that she really likes mozzarella sticks. Oh oh! And she is like in love with Michael Jackson. She has this like above shoulder hair that's honestly really pretty and she has glasses but she doesn't wear them like ever. Wait....why am I being like obsessed with her? Whatever it's probably nothing just excited to have a new friend I guess.

(Time skip......3 days later)
          I think I'm actually doing insane every class I have with Lacey I'm somehow talking to her or looking at her. My friends have started to notice as well and it's not good. They have been saying I'm crushing on her? But I don't think so it's just a normal girl on boy friendship? I feel like I just made that really weird but anyways. She's been like oddly friendly? I don't know I just keep on wanting to spend time with her all a sudden. But of course I can since we "hate" each other or whatever. And plus my dad wouldn't be very happy to know I'm dating someone who is "mediocre" or wait what am I even saying? Not dating being friends with.

Now it's time for the worse period of the day. Period 6 science my worst enemy. And currently my worst grade in I have a -D. My dad said if I don't get it up in a few days he's not gonna take me to volleyball practice anymore and he's gonna take away my phone computer and tv privileges. What an asshole. But anyways enough with my complaining about my dad I need to fix this whole Lacey situation. Maybe I do like her? You know what no way I don't care but anyone says to me I DO NOT LIKE LACEY.

(Time skip....9 hours later....current time 11:30)

After hours of contemplating my entire life's choices I've come to one conclusion. I do have a crush on Lacey. Which is kinda a bad thing considering there's a girl fan girling over me but anyways. I'm just going to keep this whole thing a little secret until.....forever I'm not gonna tell not my family not my closest friends nobody. Well I might tell my dog but that's a completely different story......this will be fun...

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