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Julia POV

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Julia POV.

I decided to go outside for some fresh air, hoping it would help me relax enough to finally get some sleep. It was already midnight, and I felt like sleep was impossible after my nap. except for the dinner, I had been in my room all day, trying to avoid seeing Vittoria. I hoped she hadn't arrived yet, so maybe I could avoid her until tomorrow.

The backyard was very wide, even though it was on top of a hill. I walked into the beautiful side garden of the mansion, The soft grass on the ground made my footsteps quiet, I was lost in the calmness of the night.

it's crazy how life can surprise you sometimes, I've always dreamed of going to Italy, but I never thought it would actually happen like this. It's funny how things work out. And now I might stuck here forever.

I could still see her guards from the far, It seems like you're in a tough spot with those guards watching your every move. It's like they're building a wall around you, making it really hard to even think about getting away.

I paused for a moment, closing my eyes and enjoying the nature surrounding me, feeling a wave of calmness go through me as if the worries had been left behind in this peaceful garden.

I carried on with my relaxing walk.

As I explored the garden, I could smell the fresh grass that had just been cut. It mixed with the peaceful sound of a fountain nearby, giving summer vibes, my favorite season.

I stopped at the central backyard, as the mansion at my back, my gaze drawn to the expansive pool shimmering in the glow of the surrounding lights.

The water reflected the stars above, creating a mesmerizing tableau of twinkling lights dancing on its surface.

The pool, like a liquid mirror, stretched out before me, its vastness seemingly endless in the darkness of the night. The gentle ripple of water added a tranquil rhythm to the scene, soothing my senses and calming my mind.

I stood there, captivated by the beauty of the illuminated pool, feeling as though she had been transported to another world entirely. In that moment, for a moment the worries of the day melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder and the beauty of the night sky above.

I turned my head to look at the balcony on the third floor. The moonlight made the balcony shine softly, The fancy railings and detailed carvings on the balcony showed how elegant and refined it was.

When my search for the balcony continued I noticed a figure watching me from the window adjacent to it.

Squinting my eyes to sharpen my focus. I let in a quick sigh as I realized it was Vittoria, She is back.

She stood with her arms folded, leaning casually against the edge of the window frame, her figure showed by the warm light flowing from the room behind her.

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