Chapter One - The Dungeon

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            A pungent smell permeated my nose. The room was filled with men who wore tank tops that clung to their glistening sweaty skin, the scent of stale beer lingered, and the thick stench of cigarette smoke cursed its way through my entirety. I wasn’t supposed to be here, this wasn’t my thing.

            Limbs flailed around, hands were squeezed tight, and people exchanged money. I glanced down for a second; the cement was covered in stains from beer –or blood- I couldn’t tell.

            “Keep your purse close to ya, Em.” Cara called out, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as Tyler wrapped his toned arm around her waist.

            “And don’t wander off.” Tyler added, his voice was almost inaudible with the screams of crazy drunks and adrenaline rushed teens drowning him out. He gave me a quick wink, then turning his head back to Cara. His deep set eyes and his chiseled chin were still prominent even in the murky lighting.

            The blaring of a horn startled me, my body involuntarily jumping back into a crowd of incoherent drunks. They shoved me off, moving me farther and farther away from Cara and Tyler.

            My orbs whizzed around trying to find the cause of the noise, soon I spotted a man. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, he stood taller than all, on top of an outdated wooden table. He had a horn held in one hand and a plastic cup filled with beer in the other. He jumped up and down, his head bobbing to the heavy metal music that rang out in the background. Once everyone’s eyes were focused on him his neck rolled upward exposing his stubble covered face.

            He then began to speak, “Welcome to the dungeon, glad all of you mother fuckers could make it tonight. I am Jace. Most of you know the rules already but it seems that during every fight that some of the rules don’t make its way to your fucking brains so listen closely!”

             His face was serious, his eyes tending to make more eye contact with some brawny men more then others. “No betting once the opponents hit the floor, No helping or giving assistance to the opponents, don’t break the ring, don’t fucking enter the ring - the fighters will beat the living shit out of you, and these rules apply to all genders, so boys, don’t use your little whores to do your dirty work.” A small smirk played at Jace’s mouth.

            “Come on Jace.” Tyler shouted, not liking his friend’s choice of words. Jace brushed off Tyler's comment and continued his announcement.

             “I now give you Carl Freeman and Justin fucking Bieber!” I immediately could tell the man on the table took more of a liking to Justin Bieber because of the deathly grin and the enhancement of his name.  Loud prolonged screams rang out, and my hands subconsciously rose cupping my ears.

            Suddenly from two doors on compete opposite sides of the room, two bouncing figures appeared, both of them bare chested and heavily equipped with muscle. My eyes lingered on one in particular though; he seemed to be smaller –not in muscle size or height- but weight wise. One was twice the size of the other. The man with the blow horn discarded the empty plastic cup and stumbled off of the table making his way toward the smaller one, whom I presumed to be Justin. They gave each other one of those weird ‘bro hug’ things and Jace leaned down and whispered something into Justin’s ear, making Justin throw his head back in laughter. 

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