Ch.6 [A Lovely Warning]

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This is a pure NSFW scene between reader and Drago, as well as reader and the wife. I hope the duality will truly show how far gone you are and the true extent of the Grooming and years of conditioning.


The bed was warm, I lay in furs of hunted prey, tied up and bound, nude, to the bones of the bed. I could not move, not that I wanted to. No, this was exactly where I wanted to be, he told me so. This was my place, my purpose was to serve.

So I bite back a cry as blood trickles from my wrist as the ropes dig into the tender skin. My wrist should have already grown accustomed to this 'abuse', too weak.

I watched the dark figure stood away from me. He just evaded the light of the candle, I wanted to reach out and beg to be held more tenderly, like I'd seen those lovers do before their head were lopped off and their bodies set alight. It looked so sweet and warm, he'd never grant me that but I already receive so, so much more than I deserve.

"You bleed. Why do you keep her around if you bleed for me?" He finally spoke, but why words that question things that already have answers? Why must he put me in this position? I just want to serve in peace, whether that be bending and moving to his rhythm or making my own as he layed still, they'd both lead to pain and tears, what he gifts me.

"She will mother my children, I-" There a glint of steal, then a sharp edge buried into my ankle. I screamed, how painful it was to be wounded by your love, stupid, why do you challenge him. Take it like a good follower would. "Find a whore, force her to conceive not a wife who pesters like a fly and stays like a roach!"

Ah, he finally shows his face.
So wonderfully horrific those scars, why do I test him? I know better. "I love you. I'll get rid off her after I promise, I belong to you."

A fire spread up my leg as the knife was pulled out, I could feel the warmth of blood trickle from the wound, consuming the skin before trickling down my calf towards my upper thighs. I held my cry this time but tears had sprouted. So cruel my master is, so patient and forgiving my lover is.

"I do not care for the words you always sprout, I own you yet you don't follow my orders immediately. Kill her, torture her for each time she dared to touch what was mine, make her vomit the food she dared to eat that I meant for you, force her into ice for the times she used your furs. Make her feel repent for daring to latch onto your arm or hide behind you like you would protect her form me." So jealous he was.

Pulling himself onto of me, I couldn't help but groan the pressure placed onto my hips under the weight of my master. Hands latched onto my face, crushing my cheeks within a grip I knew quite well. "Answer me!"
Yeah, he was angry, if only I could move. "I will, just let her give birth. She's nearly there, I'm sorry sir."

He was silent, my breathing was all my ears could hear. It was unnerving, did it work?

Pain, oh that bitter-sweet horrible pain. The ache of a stretch not meant to occur burns me, like the knife and ankle this too will bleed. Maybe not now but soon it will, the nerves are stabbed by the penis, and that skin is thin, sensitive and unprepared. I scream, its a guttural one that's ripped from my throat. And I babble for mercy, for a slow of paste or the sweet coolness of oil. Something to dampen the burn or soothe the wound. I need a break.

"So soon? Here, I'm a fair man." He reached over to my stab wound, dipping his fingers into blood-ink pot, the queasy sensation of something being somewhere it's not meant to be was another thing I was familiar with but the pain always felt new and fresh, at least this time I didn't scream. More blood trickled, such a sticky honey. Tangy on my tongue, I'm dizzy now.

A sweet sigh escaped me, warm air goes our my mouth as my hole gaps in cold air. A gulp like a fish, pathetic and desperate. He had removed himself from me, we were no longer joint yet his presence still was everything.

A sick squelch was heard, his blood soaked my insides. Red on red, heat on heat, two burns meet. A sting, an ache as he pushed through an already tender muscle ring, it didn't return to its original size, such a stretch is not something I can recover from easily. This was a softer sting, a nice break. So nice my lover is. "The ache will last, mm, good."

Another dip, another stretch, less of a burn. 'My wife is more of a tender lover, but she lays like a doll, no love in our union, not like mine and my master's.'


Soft skin, buttered and sweet. I delve deeper into the meat of the woman, I'm hungry. I become a gluttonous fool during intercourse, no matter who my partner is a hunger will always over take me. When with master I crave a savoury flavour, meat of beef. With her is something sweet like the jelly of honey I was able to lock from the roof of my mouth.

Honey was replaced by her fluids, thicker than water but thinner than honey, pop it goes between my tongue and roof. She makes noise and pulls me closer, we are both greedy people. Mine takes the form of a gluttonous search for tender pleasure. Master will never grant me such love, master is also greedy. He's selfish in his pursuit of pleasure.

There's a squelch in each thrust, our liquids like to mix. Kisses graze me, littered on my arms and hands. Some of them marry bruises, black and blue marks left by Drago. "Do you love me?" She asks, in a soft tone. Why must she question things that already have answers? Why must she put me in this position?

And this was so close to love, we both finish in a harmonic sigh, I finally give my answer once I'm removed. "No, never."

My vision went white, it blinkered with each drop of wax that poured from the candle. This was a completely new feeling, the immediate burn trapped by the instantaneous cooling and hardening of the wax drops, cocoons of boiling flesh.

I make noice, whimpers of pain. I pick at the crumbs of pleasure dropped for me. I need to learn to take pain and mold it into pleasure yet I still lap for the sweetness of soft love. How ungrateful I am.

More blood. More wax. More groans. I want to reach out and pull him closer but these ropes stop me from gaining that warmth, so much heat yet none are the ones I so desperately want to envelop me.

He groans and cums, so many times he's done this.
I groan, sweating and panting. I reciprocate with glee as he leans in and kisses me, I finally cum too.

Her name was Honey.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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