A/n + key

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Hello! This is a little surprise project for you and myself! I hope you enjoy my books and possibly my writing.

This is what you'll need to be able to read my book. A key! Great! (Also I'm starting to hate Wattpad because it doesn't let me copy and paste the key from my other books T-T )

Sordinn means penetrated and was used as an insult to degrade men who have been penetrated by another man. The accused would fight with the accuser (usually to the death)  for their honour and if they decided not to fight they would be marginalised by society


⊙°⊙ - change in POV (this could also have a timeskip)
□■□ - time skip || same POV
○▪︎○ - beginning of chapter
¤•¤ - flashback || same pov

Y/n = your name
n/n = nickname
e/c = eye colour
h/c = hair colour


The dragon hasn't been decided yet and I don't think Y/n will have a dragon. Before you ask why it's revealed in the first chapter.

Drago Bludvist x Male Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt