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I woke up in a hospital bed. Around me there were many doctors in masks talking to each other, but I couldn't understand them. Then they asked me:
-Are you okay? Do you remember anything?
In a low whisper that was accompanied by a deep cough, I said:
-Just how I got home and stroked Frankie. WAIT A MINUTE, WHERE'S FRANKIE?
Frankie was my dog. You heard that right "was". The person or people who did this to me took or killed my dog, my best friend!
Then came Cherry, the hacker on the team and a very close friend of mine. She hugged me so hard that I was about to run out of breath, but she always hugs me like that, she's Cherry after all! After her came Jack, Sandra and Melissa and I read sadness in their eyes. I didn't understand anything. What happened? Why am I there? Where is my dog? Why don't I remember anything?
Let's start from the very beginning...

I woke up at 06:30 AM for my first day on the FBI's Culprit Team. I must admit, I was worried. Especially, as someone who doesn't like to talk to a lot of people!
I brushed my teeth, got dressed, packed my bag, patted Frankie goodbye and left the apartment. I went into the building and then Mrs. Lotherson appeared. The one team boss and a very nice and smart woman with whom I can share everything! She showed me around, introduced me to Sandra and Cherry, the department's hackers, and lots of colorful people.

We also went to Mr. Peterson, who was not the opposite of the lady, even more strange was that they were married, but they did not like each other! And finally he introduced me to Jack. My first impression of him was... TERRIBLE. He acts arrogant and thinks every girl likes him, but the moment they told me we were working together at crime scenes I couldn't believe it and he had to work together on my first case!
*The first case is in the next chapter*

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