Chapter 4: Behind Closed Doors!

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Logan's been calling a local Hotel his home for the past few days, he moved here on a rush when he noticed how bad things actually were at AEW, thanks to a friendly phone call from someone he's not going to say because that will get them into trouble, now, he's in charge and already with the news of someone else taking over with the creative aspects behind the scenes at AEW, ticket sales and watchers at home, have gone up, not by much but it's a start.

Logan: God, I'm so fucking drained...

He sighed as he sat back on the bed, he's ready for bed, it doesn't take long since he only wears a pair of boxers, he's not really tired though, just warn out by these past few days, he never knew it would take so much work to undo all the mess Tony and the Jackson's put AEW in, which is why he's just sitting with his back to the headboard, rubbing his face in his hands.

When he let out one more exhale, his phone started to ring, he pretty much cursed to it as best he can since it's been none stop, he's only been technically in charge of AEW for a week and no one has left him alone, everyone's trying to see what changes he's going to make, he get's their worried and scared about their jobs but if he has to say "Everyone will have a chance to prove themselves", one more time, his head's going to explode, it wasn't work related though, it was actually a nice change to his past few days.

Madison: You look like shit.

Logan chuckled, as soon as he pressed the answer button, his younger sister, Madison Kenway popped onto his phone, she's actually helping him more right now then anyone else because it's Maddie who is watching his daughter Brooklyn till he can get a home for them both over here in the US.

Logan: Thanks, here's me thinking I looked dashing.

Logan and Madison have always had a great relationship, not always a close one but they have always been able to rely on the other, with there being 4 years between them, they were never able to be as close as some other brothers and sisters but they still made sure the other can rely on them, Logan's not sure where he'd be right now without his family after his injury, 26 years old and forced to retire, it sucked so hard.

Madison: Well, "dashing Dad". Someone wanted to see you.

Madison handed the phone over to his daughter Brooklyn, he named her that because that's where she was born, Brooklyn New York, it wasn't long after she was born that Logan had his accident and was never able to get into the ring again, when her mother up and left them both, it was really hard for Logan, trying to look after a baby girl with one messed up knee isn't as easy as it sounds.

Logan: Hey Snowflake. You being good for your gran and grandpa?

Logan technically left her with his parents but their getting old now and can't keep up with a 4 year old girl, also this is the time of year where they always go somewhere up north in the UK to take some time away from everything, Logan never understood why they did this every year until he became a father, not that parents don't love their kids but sometimes you do just need a vacation, not Logan though, he hates that he had to leave her behind but sitting here with him in a hotel room, then going to meetings and arena's every week, isn't something for a little girl.

Brooklyn: Yeah. When are you coming home?

Logan sighed as he looked to her, she's playing with her favourite toy, it's a purple rabbit called "Buttons", Logan bought it for her at the Hospital gift shop the day she was born, she called it "Buttons" since it has two buttons for eyes, although one of them popped off the other day, Logan's not a man that can sow, so he needs his mother for her help with that.

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