Chapter 3: Putting A Foot Down!

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Dynamite went about as well as you'd think, the stars did their best but the story still wasn't there and it's destroying the company's image, only a few more weeks and Logan can forge this company into something a little more special then what is has been for months now, it's not just Logan that needs to work hard but also all the stars who have been asked to be in the new Gym have made it, where Logan is with Nicole, Brie, Desmond, Duncan and Matt, their all going to be either running through drills with some of the Superstars or are going to be watching, Logan and Brie are going to be the only ones just watching as neither have any interest in getting back into the ring.

Logan: Okay, thanks to you all for coming...

Logan stood in the middle of the ring as they have a few AEW Superstars with them, obviously no one who performed last night is here since that would be cruel to have them perform for the fans and then perform for their jobs, so Logan gave them the day off, that didn't mean that the room isn't packed right now with others.

Logan: ... First, I want to make it clear that you are not above this company. You either want to be here and give me all of your swet and tears, or there's the door.

Desmond is technically with the Superstars but he's in the ring, he is pretty much the only one that's safe but that's because he's not bothered about being a Champion and just loves wrestling, so Logan knows he can trust that man to keep bringing in the product that the company needs to see, so Logan's making sure everyone here knows where he stands in terms of slackers.

Logan: Oh, and Danny you got to drop that cringy dance shit mate. It's old, it's weird. Cut it out.

Daniel Garcia shrugged as he stood there with his arms crossed, that's what Logan's looking for, their attitude, if their not in this right now to change and up the product then their not in it, so Logan put his name down, on his tablet to say that he's one to keep an eye on, if their not ready to change, because change does need to happen, then they can leave, Logan's not going to lose any sleep over it.

Logan: So today your going to prove to me why you should keep your contracts. Change needs to happen and that starts right now, so you guys are going to be working with these guys...

Logan has asked both AEW Producers Bryan and Madison Rayne to help out here today as well, he has no issue with their producing and since Madison is as close to retired as you can get without actually being retired, Logan's considering just asking her to be a full time producer, he's also called in a few more favours but they haven't showed up yet so they have to do with what they have.

Logan: ... Their going to make sure you know what I'm asking from you and make sure you can handle it. Good luck.

Logan meant that seriously and sincerely, he and Brie are going to be watching lick hawks, not only for in ring ability but also their attitude, Daniel's hasn't pleased Logan so far, the only thing that can save his job right now is his in ring work, which compared to most, isn't actually that bad, so as they all got to work with Logan making sure they know he's watching and sacking a guy the other day proved to them he's not here to make friends, he's never seen them working so hard, it wasn't long till one of his favours arrived ready for work.

Jamie: Sorry I'm late Logan.

Nicole's in the ring right now with Skye, Harley Cameron and Saraya, the later getting along better with the Garcia's twins from their time in the WWE, Logan knows Saraya from them days as well, that though just makes Saraya know all to well how much this sort of thing means to Logan and when he says he's going to do something, he's going to do it, Logan's attention was drawn away though when he turned to see a little more experience for the Women's Locker room...

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