Chapter 2: First Day of the Re-Build!

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It's going to be tough but Logan's job is to fill out the field, the biggest issue with AEW right now is the over abundance of Talent, every time someone left the WWE, Tony jumped on them with a huge wage packet to get them over here, All Elite Wrestling was once a proud company that preached about it's "Home Grown Talent", now they just feed off the WWE's scraps.

Duncan: ... I don't like this shit between AEW and ROH, It's confusing as the DaVinci Code.

Logan's with part of his soon to be team in AEW, these are the ones that are going to help him kick the company back into gear and actually make the WWE peak over their shoulder once or twice, Duncan Blake is Logan's longest friend, that's not a tall joke because he's 6'5 but the truth, ever since Logan first started wrestling at 18 over here in America, Duncan's been a pain in his ass.

Desmond: I got to agree with him, we don't need this cross over stuff. Especially with ROH barely selling half the seats.

Desmond is the only guy on this team that is an actual active wrestler but the man is so humble he isn't going to wite himself getting the better of the young talent, he's also the middle ground for Logan, if it was his choice, Logan would just bin the entire AEW and just start over from scratch, maybe call it "BCW" or something "British Championship Wrestling", not the best name but it's not tainted like AEW has become, Desmond is stopping him from doing that and levelling out the playing field.

Matthew: Right. And is it true Tony gave Mercedes $10 million to sign?

Logan sighed at the head of the table as he did, the WWE turned Mercedes Mone away when she told them her price tag so that meant that Tony gave it to her and put her on screen for a few weeks just doing promo's and making extremely provocative, that's not her fault though, just bad script writing, with the new changes coming it, that won't be an issue anymore.

Logan: All things we're going to fix but first we have to focus on the roster. Is Chris Jericho really booked to beat Hook for the FTW Title?

There all sitting in the room with Tony, Kenny and the Jackson brothers, who just seemed to shrug at their poor planning, Kenny honestly looked like he was done with this shit as he sighed sitting back in his chair, Logan's only taking the lead for a few days now, it's Monday and the stress of cleaning up this mess it already getting to him.

Logan: Right well that's not going to happen. Who's really going to believe a washed up signer is going to beat one of the future prospects in Wrestling? No, Hook retains this Sunday.

Kenny, Matthew, Duncan and Desmond nodded agreeing as Tony didn't look to happy about that, he didn't look pissed or anything but he did look like he was about to say something, that was until Logan looked across to him, Tony quickly just settled back into his seat and looked around with an awkward clearing of his throat.

Logan: Good and FTR are winning those tag belts. I'm not letting you two write yourself into the glory shot.

Matt and Nick really didn't like that and stood from their seats, both of them talking and complaining at the same time, Logan seemed to be listening to them as he sat back in the seat, his hands clasped together while the others just smiled to the pitiful display from the two brothers about this mess.

Logan: Firstly, cut the shit. Secondly, you put yourself into ruin Sting's last wrestling moment, I'm not letting you steal the spot light from two of the most hardworking men, this company has in the books, now sit down, shut up. Or get out.

The room was pretty quite as the three of them seemed to share a stare down, Logan didn't care and waited for them to make the move, either way, Logan's going to win because they have two choice, do what Logan said or leave and Logan still get's to do what he wants, luckily for all of them, the Jackson's just stropped and left the room, Tony going to talk to them, Logan smirked but then they needed to get to business, cutting down the roster size.

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