Chapter 4 - Where the Woof?

Start from the beginning

Jessica shrugged, as Lauren quickly took a mouthful of ice cream. “Meh, it's hard undoing eighteen years of false or just weird information, so I'm doing my best!” She looked down at her phone. “I was showing him a video discussing the difference between a regular worshiping Christian and then the types to run away from goats because they think it's Satan, so Lauren's parents.” Heron laughed at that, and Vincent's mouth even twitched! What a delight. “I had no idea you weren't supposed to bathe in holy water to cleanse any demons that latched onto you…” Lauren muttered, taking another scoop of ice cream. “… I'm sorry, you BATHE in HOLY water?”

Lauren looked at Heron, nodding. “Yeah, every month, so if a demon latched onto you, it'll get burned and die!” Heron grimaced at that. “And I've been touching you…” He looked off to the side, muttering to himself, before just downing his ice cream. “… Where do you get a tubs worth of holy water?” Vincent asked, getting a resounding nothing from Lauren. He blankly stared at Vincent until he got distracted by the window. “Huh, it's getting dark out! I've never been out this late before,” Lauren muttered.

Heron snickered, leaning back. “Why? Cause demon activity is more present at night?” He teased. “Yeah! Actually! How'd you know??” The three others stayed silent, Jessica sighing particularly loud. “I think it's best if we stop talking about that stuff for right now,” She said, the others nodding in agreement. They finished their ice cream after a few more minutes, chatting occasionally as the night grew evermore. Jessica picked the bowls up, going to wash them as the others sat up. “Ugh, my ass hurts! Shoulda sat on a pillow,” Heron said, stretching out a little.

“It's late,” Vincent said, making Heron chuckle. “And Red's short. What of it?” Vincent grumbled at that, crossing his arms. “I should be leaving.” He said firmly, stepping past Lauren and over to the door. “Aw, but we haven't even had our second intervention yet!” Heron didn't actually care, in all honestly, he'd rather Vincent leave. Lauren just waved goodbye at him, and as usual, he did not receive one back. Vincent huffed a little. He swung the door open before INSTANTLY slamming shut, not even a moment afterward. Turning away from the door with an unusually panicked face. This confused Lauren, Heron, and Jessica; who just walked out from the kitchen.

“Is someone there?” Jessica asked with an eyebrow raised. Vincent ignored the question, feeling his face before looking back at them. “You guys are having a sleepover, right?” He asked, ignoring her question and combatting it with his own. “Yeah!! Did you decide you wanna stay over??” Lauren happily asked, Vincent nodding rapidly after. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, uh, I don't wanna be out alone at night, so,” He awkwardly said, running a few fingers through his hair. “… Really? A hulking beast like YOU doesn't want to walk alone at night?” Jessica said, even more suspicious now. Vincent turned back to her, putting his hands on his hips. “Uh, Yeah!? Men can get robbed too! In fact, in fact! The bigger guys get beat up first! So they can't be there to protect the little guys!”

Vincent's erratic behavior started getting further and further from subtle, enough to where Lauren caught on. “Look, are you okay?? Do you need us to call your parents, or?” Jessica asked, pulling out her phone with a concerned look on her face. “Oh fuck, I let it touch me…” Vincent whined, crouching down in the middle of the living room. “… Is he… Is he going insane?” Lauren asked, looking up at Heron. “Maybe! Maybe he's just got rabies…” He said in response. Jessica carefully walked over to Vincent, her words hesitating a little. “Look, dude, we haven't been on the BEST terms. But if you need help, we're all right here!” She said, putting her phone back in her pocket.

Jessica paused for a few moments, grimacing as Vincent just kept repeating the same phrases. She looked back at the other two, who didn't seem like they had anything useful to say, before turning back towards Vincent. “Again, we're RIGHT… here…” Jessica hesitantly went to go pat Vincent on the back, which… may have been a mistake. “Don't. TOUCH ME.” With a loud snarl, Vincent transformed into a large and imposing werewolf right in front of her eyes. She stumbled back onto the floor, backing away. Vincent howled loudly at them, being met with a round of screams from Lauren and Jessica in response! “WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!?” She screeched, sliding away from him further. “Get AWAY from me!” Vincent growled, revealing he can indeed still speak. “WE'RE NOT THE GIANT FUCKING WEREWOLF, NOW, ARE WE!?” Jessica yelled, once again, getting in front of Lauren. Vincent's ears drooped upon hearing that, surprisingly nodding. Even more weirdly, he just started pacing, with his arms behind his back. That at least gave them a better look at this new, oddly fluffy, form.

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