Episode 34: A Kiss and a Fire

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Eva is quite upset. I don't know what's gotten into her. Women always overreact. Typical.

It's been two days since our little argument. Two days of her systematically avoiding me. I had thought such a thing impossible on an island as small as a matchbox, but it seems women always find the right ways to drive a man crazy.

Come on, admit it: you miss her. Be honest! Do you want her?

No, I don't want to sleep with her. Women haven't interested me for a long time. Besides, if I really wanted a relationship like that, I could have had my pick. There were plenty of Eves of all ages and colors on the island of Phuket. Anyway, sex is the least of my worries.

Then why do I miss her? 

Well, isn't it obvious? It's just the two of us on this small island, and sooner or later, it was natural for me to become attached to her, to desire her presence. As a person, as a soul, not as a woman.

No, I definitely don't want her. At her age, she could be my daughter. Does that thought excite you, you pig? If it does, then you're despicable.

No, absolutely not! 

Maybe I desire her a bit... against my will, but it'll pass quickly. I remember when I touched her feet I desired her, but now I just want to see her. That's all. Could it be that I don't even know what I want anymore?

I search for her and find her lying on her stomach, on the sand, with her hands under her chin, gazing somewhere towards the ocean.

"I didn't have any reconciliation gift to bring you, I apologize, so I brought myself. Please forgive me and let's put the grudge aside. Will you?"

I stretch out beside her, and together we watch the water come and go for minutes on end. Eventually, when I almost thought she had fallen asleep, I hear her voice:

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a face that begs for punches?"

"No," I whisper. "It's the first time I've heard something like that. What were you looking at?"

She raises her arm and points her finger at a spot in the distance.

"I don't see anything," I say after a minute. "Absolutely nothing. Just water."

"Look closer," she whispers.

I focus my gaze and stare fixedly at that spot. I feel a cold shiver.

"It's impossible," I mutter with hatred.

"No, you saw it very well. They're shark swimmers," Eva says calmly. "I've counted about three so far."

"Maybe they're dolphins."

She starts laughing and says nothing more. Then she notices the thing in my hand and looks at me amazed.

"It was on the beach," I explain. "Our neighbor throws his garbage into our yard!"

"You found a half-liter bottle of Coke," she smiles. "Good job!"

We both look at the small plastic bottle that the waves have brought to the shore of our island. I play with it, toss it in the air, then read the label again. I don't understand much of these ideograms. Just the Coca-Cola brand and a "Made in China" that confuses me.

I hand her the bottle:

"You can drink safely. I rinsed it well and filled it with fresh water."

She takes a few sips and hands it back to me. I screw the cap back on and look at the label again.

A Man, a Girl, a Deserted Island - an Epic Love Hate SagaWhere stories live. Discover now