-- Chapter eight --

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A/N: I'm currently in break and is already at the end of it, which is not cool, but aside from that, I have a rather late announcement here which I should've done so back in March, but I end up forgetting about it since it's currently still college for me.

But here it is, I have an AO3 account back at the end of March, which is worth it, and have posted the same fanfiction over there.

Aside from that, only Fanfiction will be posted on both side, no other story, so please keep it in mind.

Now with that said, please enjoy your next chapter and tell me your thought of it.




Chapter eight: The Calm Before the Storm

If it was to be honest to itself, Ochobot had never felt so much irritation at the need to be separated from its master. It was an insult to it but there was nothing it could do against it.

If only it wasn't an order from his master that it had to be nice to its master's friends – it silently sneered in its head when it thought about that certain word.

If it could vomit every single time it said that word – be it out loud or just in its thought, it would do it without a single thought of regret.

(Too bad that it was but a mechanical being at the moment, else those would be possible to it. No doubt.

Too bad indeed.)

With that said, currently it was to follow its master's ... friends and Captain for an undercover rescue mission. And the only reason that it hadn't opposed it was simply because it knew its master would be coming after he was done with his mission with another pest.

However, speaking of that pest, there was something about that person that reminded it of the one of the Time. It was strange, being able to sense it from that pest.

There was something going on with him – that was dwelling within him – and it wanted to get to the end of it itself.

Ochobot hummed, maybe it wouldn't call Fang a 'pest', unless he proved himself as one, of course, it would call him as a knight. Only for now, that was.

(It didn't know why but right then, it felt so right to call that person as a knight itself. It was just a little unfortunate that it could tell the reason behind this.)

"Ochobot, are you coming?" It then heard Kaizo's voice calling out to it.

Putting up a fake – a not very obvious fake – smile. "Coming," it muttered under its breath.

(However, in its mind, it only longed for the reunion with its master, even though its master was only awake for another mission before coming to aid it.

It would put it up to them for as long as its master liked them.

And if it wasn't for its master, it would've long abandoned them to nowhere without a single hesitation.)


The child could still clearly remember what happened before he had suddenly blacked out all of the sudden, it was rather strange, and it certainly did not escape his notice that he couldn't recall any of it afterward.

However, he could clearly remember what happened before his consciousness woke up.

One second he was waiting for Fang's response to his suspicion for possible ambush, the next second he found himself in an abyss, with no starting, nor no ending. Just in the middle of nowhere.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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