The start of a decendant and harmless demon

Comincia dall'inizio

"Do you mind... stopping?"

You'd ask as on reflexes your arms made an 'X' as a shield when Tanjiro slashed head on forward.

"Water breathing, 1st form; Water surface slash!"

Tanjiro yelled as you'd deadpan as your forearms got slashed off, but then grabbed Tanjiro by the ankles and tried to hold him down by connecting into the dirt and holding him down with immense strength, him freezing in fear as held his blade up to you.

"I'm annoyed but... I'm Koki. I don't want to harm you"
"And how can I believe you?!"
"Well.. let's see, I haven't attacked you once, I haven't shown aggression... every is checked off."

You'd murmur deadpanning as Tanjiro sniffed the air a bit, thinking in his mind.

'She's.. she's right. She has the scent of a demon but she has no evil scent and more like a... scent of nothing? It's like steel.. but there is no emotional scent from her.'

Tanjiro thought deeply before lowering his blade and sheathed it and your forearms that were chopped off crawled to your body and you'd get on your knees, letting your forearms reconnect to your body and it healed normally for a lower rank demon speed and you stood up fully.

"I wish to help you and see you succeed."

You'd get out of the way as Tanjiro's mouth wide open agape at the forward news, at another demon cheering him on in the sidelines before regaining his composure.

"U- uhm.. I appreciate it really! Do you mind explaining how I could cut this boulder in half?"

Tanjiro asked you and you placed a hand on your chin staring at it, pretending to be thinking.

"I could always destroy it with one of my blood demon arts for you.."

You'd offer as your nails sharpened making Tanjiro panic and asked you politely to not do that.

"Waitwaitwaitwait!! No, no! I don't want you to just.. do it for me. Then I wouldn't be proving anything. And your scent could get on it as well.."

Tanjiro explained worriedly as you nodded your head, knowing this is what Tanjiro would've said and besides, you had to let cannon plot happen.

"I haven't observed much. So I cannot help you as much as I wish. But I can supply you food and anything you request in the meantime."

You'd offer since you had nothing better to do and it was best to watch Tanjiro and see him in actions. He sighed but you could tell he was appreciative of your offer despite your neutral face features and smiled at you brightly.

"Thank you so much! I would greatly appreciate that Koki-San!"

Tanjiro cheered happily as you felt your lips do a mini smile and your eyes have mini sparkles in time, alongside slight red cheeks on how sweet and such a cinnamon-roll Tanjiro was and Tanjiro responded calling how cute you looked making your smile even more as he gushed at you. It was like a natural charm.

You watched how Tanjiro trained and you used your blood demon art to see Makomo and Sabito help him and improve his skills and after 1 hour and 20 minutes, you left to gather food for Tanjiro with your human disguise on.

| Little Zombie Demon | Child! Y/N x Platonic! Demon slayer cast |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora